


Mao 2009-10-12 08:02:35 阅读 22640 来自: 澳大利亚

Student Chen Xiaogeng, of Dynnyrne was hit in the eye with a bottle.

Horror scars of bar attack


October 12, 2009 08:31am

CHEN Xiaogeng might lose the sight in his left eye following an unprovoked attack in a Hobart nightclub.

The Chinese university student was at the Observatory Bar on Friday October 2 to celebrate China's national day with a friend when he was hit in the eye with a bottle.

The blow dislodged a piece of bone on the inside of his eye socket which could damage his optic nerve if left untreated, but the operation to repair it could also leave him blind in that eye.

Mr Chen, a 26-year-old Bachelor of Business student at the University of Tasmania, has had to defer his final exams because he still suffers double vision.

Mr Chen is the latest victim of a spate of violence in public places in Hobart.

"I was in the bar with one other friend, we had only been there maybe 10 minutes, we had just bought a beer and were standing by the dance floor talking," he said.

"There were four or five guys standing around near us. I looked over at them and saw them looking at me but didn't think anything about it.

"Then next time I looked over they were still looking at me and every time I looked they were staring at me but I didn't pay much attention.

"Then suddenly someone hit me in the eye with something, I think it was a bottle. I didn't have any time to respond or react.

"Everything went black. I couldn't see."

The only thing Mr Chen remembers about his attacker is that he was wearing a yellow T-shirt.

His friend, Fang Zhen, was also punched in the side of the face during the attack.

Mr Chen said there were no bouncers nearby when he was attacked but when he found security staff they gave him an ice pack and one of the bar staff drove him to hospital.

Bar security were unable to find the attackers.

After being treated at the Royal Hobart Hospital, Mr Chen and Mr Fang went to the police station to report the incident.

"I got home about 5am and it was still bleeding out from my nose. It was so swollen I couldn't even open my eye," Mr Chen said.

UTAS Chinese Students Association vice-president Wen Zheng said it was unclear whether the attack was racially motivated.

He said the unprovoked nature of the attack meant the question of whether it was racially motivated should be asked, especially following the recent murder of Chinese student Zhang "Tina" Yu and ongoing reports of Asian students being pelted with eggs from passing cars and other more serious assaults.

"A couple of months after Tina's case, we haven't seen the attacks on international students on the streets reduce and there is even more violence on the streets," Mr Zheng said.

"It shocks us how many violent attacks happen here so we don't know whether this was a racist attack or not."

Last month another university student, Ryan Brown, suffered a fractured eye socket and serious cuts and bruising after he and a friend were allegedly set upon by three men in North Hobart. Mr Brown, whose mother is Indonesian, said he and his sister had been racially taunted previously.

Last week Legislative Council member Jim Wilkinson moved to establish a parliamentary inquiry into the spate of attacks in public places.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html




浪沧孤客 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-10-12 08:03:51
暴走卡卡 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-10-12 08:09:48
1361377 来自: LAN


回复 · 2009-10-12 08:12:28
暴走卡卡 来自: 澳大利亚



UTAS Chinese Students Association vice-president Wen Zheng said it was unclear whether the attack was racially motivated.
rsyrsy641 发表于 2009-10-12 09:12

我想骂人{:4_193:} {:3_181:}
回复 · 2009-10-12 08:15:14
bulekuler 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-10-12 08:34:57
lyq11 来自: LAN


回复 · 2009-10-12 08:49:59
Arufunce 来自: 澳大利亚


UTAS Chinese Students Association vice-president Wen Zheng said it was unclear whether the attack was racially motivated.

He said the unprovoked nature of the attack meant the question of whether it was racially motivated should be asked, especially following the recent murder of Chinese student Zhang "Tina" Yu and ongoing reports of Asian students being pelted with eggs from passing cars and other more serious assaults.

"A couple of months after Tina's case, we haven't seen the attacks on international students on the streets reduce and there is even more violence on the streets," Mr Zheng said.

"It shocks us how many violent attacks happen here so we don't know whether this was a racist attack or not."





回复 · 2009-10-12 08:52:28
稍解风情 来自: 澳大利亚


“Bar security were unable to find the attackers.”



Plan A:酒吧入口一定有摄像头,可以调当天晚上的Tape,dig the man out 然后我们可以指证。

Plan B: 正常人的心态都是出来事,赶快撤,没谁会傻呼呼的等着警察来抓。酒吧停车场一样有摄像头,我估计那厮打完人立马就跑了,所以可以从酒吧停车场的监控录像中看到他们上的什么样的车,车牌。

P.s: 如果你真的很不幸被鬼佬选中:

女生,用指甲抓一下,争取抓破,警方可以提取他们的DNA, 如果TAS警方没有自己的DATABASE,以后那个畜生再范事,老账新帐一块算!!(男同胞同样适用!)

男生,攥起你的拳头!在国内初中高中打架你们都忘了吗! 把钥匙掏出来,夹在指缝里,照脸就划,这难道还要我教你们?? 或许老外比你高,比你壮,但我们可以用脑子啊!

回复 · 2009-10-12 08:53:07
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ylzhao 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-10-12 08:59:36