

Scotch Oakburn College招聘语言教师

leilei 2012-8-14 15:36:59 阅读 13781 来自: 澳大利亚

LOTE Teacher - Junior School
Asian Language – Mandarin preferred

Scotch Oakburn College is seeking applications from suitably qualified LOTE teachers who are passionate about learning for primary-aged students (years 1 to 5); conversant with contemporary learning theory; and wanting to work in a vibrant, team-oriented learning environment at our Elphin Campus Junior School.
A teacher of an Asian language is sought, with Mandarin being the preferred option. Applications from teachers of Japanese or Indonesian would also be considered favourably.

This is a part-time, ongoing position of approximately 0.5 FTE commencing in Term 1, 2013. The possibility of additional time (up to a further 0.2) to also teach Year 6 classes in the Middle School can be considered.

This position commences in January, 2013.

Closing Date:

Applications addressing the selection criteria are to reach the Human Resources Manager by 9.00am Monday, September 3 2012.

Applications can be emailed to:


Your Application:

External candidates, please read the Job Vacancy Information from the Website – www.soc.tas.edu.au.  Your application should include:

•        Covering letter
•        Resume
•        Application Form (available from the Website)
•        Document addressing the selection criteria
•        Copy of your Teacher Registration Certificate
•        Copy of your current First Aid Certificate

Internal candidates, your application should include:

•        Covering letter
•        Updated Resume including any additional qualifications and/or professional learning undertaken since your initial appointment
•        Document addressing the selection criteria

The Position:

This position is based primarily in our Elphin Campus Junior School teaching LOTE across year levels 1 to 5.

Scope of the Position:

There is scope for flexibility and innovation in this program depending on the particular skills of the successful applicant.

All teachers work collaboratively in a team committed to building exciting, inquiry-based learning environments which engage and challenge young learners. The Scotch Oakburn “Vision for Learning” guides innovative learning programs designed to cater for the learning needs and personal development of each student.

The LOTE teacher is a member of a team which includes Classroom, Health and PE, eLearning, Connexions, Visual Arts, Drama, Music and Learning Support Teachers.

Reports to

Head of Junior School

Key Selection Criteria: (must be addressed in your application)

        Registered as a Teacher with the Tasmanian Teachers Registration Board.
        Ability to provide dynamic and pro-active educational leadership in a co-educational environment.
        Passion for learning: this includes both personal learning and student’s learning. A commitment to constructivist learning practices is essential.
        Knowledge of an Asian language and a global perspective on learning.
        Capacity to provide innovation in LOTE education.
        High-level interpersonal and communication skills, demonstrated through an ability to work with, and relate to, children, colleagues and parents.
        A strong understanding of the theory underpinning, and pedagogical practice implicit in, ‘Teaching for Understanding’.
        Ability to implement “assessment for learning” practices in the classroom.
        Proven ability and acknowledgement of being an outstanding classroom teacher.
        The ability to encourage teamwork and be part of a committed team.
        Demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.
        A strong understanding of learning technologies and their application to enhance language learning.
        A capacity and willingness to embrace the College’s “Vision for Learning.
        Workplace Level 1 First Aid Certificate or equivalent.


Duties and Responsibilities

1.        All members of the teaching staff will perform such professional duties as are assigned by the Principal from time to time.  These usually include a position of Pastoral responsibility to a group of students (e.g. being a Tutor in the Senior School), sharing with staff normal duties such as being a teacher on duty, taking periods for colleagues when absent, undertaking extra-curricular activities that take place after school and on Saturday and such other duties as are usually required at an independent school.
2.        All teaching staff are expected to be involved in co-curricular activities and involvement would reflect the teaching load.  
3.        A part-time teacher shall not be required to attend school on any day which they are not required for teaching, preparation/marking or to attend professional development activities or similar, except to attend occasional school activities as reasonably required.
4.        We endeavour, but cannot guarantee, to structure a part-time teacher’s teaching and preparation/marking commitments in such a way that the teacher is not in attendance for less than two hours on a given day.  In accepting this offer of appointment a part-time teacher is accepting that we will not adjust his or her pay in cases where this has not been possible.   
5.        All members of the teaching staff are required to attend staff meetings which are called from time to time by the Principal, Head of Senior School, Head of Middle School, House Heads or Heads of Departments.  Such meetings take precedence over all other activities in the life of the School.
6.        A member of the teaching staff will teach across year groups and ability levels as required by the Principal within the limits of his/her professional experience and expertise.
7.        A member of the teaching staff will support the Christian education programs of the school which are according to the practices of the Uniting Church of Australia and will attend such services of worship and such assemblies of students as requested by the Principal or Head of School.
8.        A member of the teaching staff will teach classes, subject programs, maintain a program of assessment of students and keep such assessment records as are required by the College.
9.        A pre-requisite for accepting a teaching position at Scotch Oakburn College is that a member of the teaching staff has a working knowledge of computers (Windows), including the Microsoft Office Suite.

Conditions of Employment

1.        General employment conditions, including salary, applying to all teaching staff at Scotch Oakburn College are described in the “Scotch Oakburn College (Teachers) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2011”.

2.        Further employment conditions, including the College’s policies and procedures, as varied from time to time, which apply to all staff at Scotch Oakburn College are set out or referred to in the Staff Manual.

3.        The probationary period for new teachers as described in the Scotch Oakburn College (Teachers) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2011 will apply.

4.        A pre-requisite for Scotch Oakburn College being able to employ a teacher is that he or she is a registered teacher with the Teachers Registration Board, Tasmania, or holds a Limited Authority to Teach from the Teachers Registration Board, Tasmania.  A copy of the Certificate of Registration must be provided by the teacher to the College prior to commencement.

5.        To the best of the employee’s experience and knowledge, provide risk management information, as requested by their manager.

6.        Make risk prevention a priority whilst undertaking daily tasks in the College’s operations.

7.        Perform duties in a manner which is without an unacceptable level of risk to their own health and safety, other employees, students or the College community in general.

8.        Report any illness, injury, hazard, near miss or incidents and losses as soon as they are detected to your supervisor or the Human Resources Manager.

9.        A pre-requisite for Scotch Oakburn College being able to employ a teacher is that he or she holds a current first aid certificate from a recognised training body. A copy of the Certificate must be provided by the teacher to the College prior to commencement.

Professional and Ethical Behaviour

Members of the teaching staff will observe the College’s Code of Conduct.




wuruitingting 来自: 澳大利亚


Hello, I am a registered Chinese teacher. I just want to ask you one question. Why do you help the College to advertise the job vacancy, because I did not find the advertisement from the school web site? Thanks from Ting
回复 · 2012-8-14 19:17:31
leilei 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


wuruitingting 发表于 2012-8-14 19:17
Hello, I am a registered Chinese teacher. I just want to ask you one question. Why do you help the C ...

回复 · 2012-8-14 19:47:27
wuruitingting 来自: 澳大利亚


Are you the Chinese teacher there? Why do you stop your work? Thanks from Ting
回复 · 2012-8-14 19:49:33
leilei 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


wuruitingting 发表于 2012-8-14 19:49
Are you the Chinese teacher there? Why do you stop your work? Thanks from Ting

我不是chinese teacher。我在这个学校IT部门工作。
回复 · 2012-8-14 19:56:51
leilei 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


wuruitingting 发表于 2012-8-14 19:17
Hello, I am a registered Chinese teacher. I just want to ask you one question. Why do you help the C ...

招聘广告已经显示在scotch oarkburn college的官网上了:
http://www.soc.tas.edu.au/employ ... _mandarin_prefereed
回复 · 2012-8-16 11:59:30
Mao 来自: 澳大利亚


leilei 发表于 2012-8-16 11:59
招聘广告已经显示在scotch oarkburn college的官网上了:
http://www.soc.tas.edu.au/employment/view/te ...

LEILEI 最近好不~~~
回复 · 2012-8-16 12:16:23
leilei 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


Mao 发表于 2012-8-16 12:16
LEILEI 最近好不~~~

回复 · 2012-8-16 14:42:58
wuruitingting 来自: 澳大利亚


leilei 发表于 2012-8-16 11:59
招聘广告已经显示在scotch oarkburn college的官网上了:
http://www.soc.tas.edu.au/employment/view/te ...

Thank you very much. I will apply for it. I may see you there. Thanks from Ting
回复 · 2012-8-16 15:11:01
cfz2296286 来自: 澳大利亚


leilei 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56
我不是chinese teacher。我在这个学校IT部门工作。

回复 · 2012-8-16 15:16:22