


luwenbovip 2012-6-23 14:07:35 阅读 13765 来自: 澳大利亚
He is unbeatable  他战无不胜
The price is unbeatable. 没有比这更便宜的价格了。
It is fun to say. 说起来爽。
I am gonna go and get another round. 我再去拿下一轮酒。
OK, I want to lay down some rules for tonight. 我想今天晚上咱定些规矩。
I used to have a thing for Robin.我以前喜欢Robin.
I am smelling dirt. 我感觉有料。
We just start, and you guys will pick up.我们先开始,你们马上就懂了。
I was in a really crappy relationship with a guy.
I wound up kissing a guy on a party.
I came clean and we broke up.我说出真相,我们分手了。
prude n.假正经
He is off the grid. 他不在。
but seriously what was up with the tape?
I was stopping by Lily's kindergarten class to say hi. 我当时路过Lily的幼儿园想去打个招呼。
They were all in a recess. 他们当时休息。
I wish I pulled up my pants. 我希望我当时裤子提上去了。
mellow order, fellow! 点单客气点
You get money, get laid. end of discussion.
I deem your offering worthy.
I have to go back and confront him. 我要回去直面他。
for the team! 为了团队(需要牺牲下)
I wish we had a dog, so it wouldn't go to waste. 我希望我们有条狗,这样它就不浪费了。
so we got the whole place to ourselves. 这个地方就剩下我们两个了。
the whole time 从头到尾
we just earn a huge chunk of story.
Everyone is man up to tell the true story. Why can't you?
You ruffed and ran.你吐完就跑了?
here is the real kicker...下面才让人吃惊
These are tears of joy. 这些是喜悦的眼泪
You let me dodge a blue, big guy. 感谢上帝,你让我逃过一劫。
I just rediscove how awesomely awesome my life is. 我重新发现生活是多么的精彩。
That is getting a head of the story. 那只是故事的前奏。
参与人数 1塔币 +2 收起 理由
塔州雅思 + 2

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Adam 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-6-23 15:10:28
ec66 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-6-23 15:55:45
ceciliachiu 来自: 澳大利亚


I have been pondering for a while if I should share my thoughts here. I hope I will not offend anyone but I have genuine reservation about sharing slang expressions such as "You get money, get laid. end of discussion". Does anyone know what "get laid" mean? It means get sex. This particular expression was probably spoken by someone in a whore house. I do not see how others can benefit or improve their English from this. Again, why does someone need to learn this expression: "I wish I pulled up my pants"?

I do not want to sound stereotyped but people do look at you through tinted glasses. Slang expressions are typically spoken by the lower class or uneducated. If one learns English for the purpose of living in an English speaking country, this is fine.  If one learns English for an academic pursuit, please learn the proper expressions.

Many of the expressions are taken out of context and the meanings thus become ambiguous. "He is unbeatable" can mean he is unbeatable in competitions (in which case 战无不胜 is a proper translation) and it can also mean he is unbeatable in spirit 斗志顽强. And "prude" is certainly not 假正经. Just to name a few.

My apologies if anyone finds this offensive. This is just my two cents.
回复 · 2012-6-24 12:13:08
塔州雅思 来自: 澳大利亚


1. 学习slang并不意味着见谁都要去说。有时理解就好。
2.缺少语境的确有些词会有歧义,但忠孝不可两全, 在准确性和效率之间有时需要平衡。
3.prudish / ˈpruːdɪʃ; ˋprudɪʃ/ adj of or like a prude 过分拘谨的; (尤指对性问题)大惊小怪的, 假正经的: a prudish refusal to enjoy rude jokes 拘谨得听不得粗俗的笑话--牛津高阶英汉双解。 所以我觉得prude 我翻成“假正经”也无可厚非。

圣经里好像说过: if you take the text from the context, you will have con. 我看一集美剧,用自己的理解去翻译其中一些语句,有时脱离了语境,大家可能觉得有些突兀,甚至荒谬。所以最好还是自己去听,去感受。。。
回复 · 2012-6-24 19:39:33
I am sure you were well intentioned when you shared these. Perhaps it would be more beneficial if you could share more idiomatic expressions rather than slangs. We should all pick a path to race to t  详情 回复
2012-6-24 21:35
ceciliachiu 来自: 澳大利亚


塔州雅思 发表于 2012-6-24 19:39
1. 学习slang并不意味着见谁都要去说。有时理解就好。
2.缺少语境的确 ...

I am sure you were well intentioned when you shared these. Perhaps it would be more beneficial if you could share more idiomatic expressions rather than slangs.  We should all pick a path to race to the top.

Again, as said before, no offense.
回复 · 2012-6-24 21:35:12