


Mao 2012-4-23 18:01:31 阅读 8428 来自: 澳大利亚


DEVASTATED: Sarah Griffin and her partner Todd Harding. Picture: LEIGH WINBURN

Woman slams club 'fat ban'

A HOBART woman says she will be lodging a complaint with the state's Anti-Discrimination Commission claiming a popular nightclub refused her entry because she was too fat.

Sarah Griffin, 27, was celebrating her birthday in Hobart with friends on April 7 when the incident unfolded at the entrance to the nightclub.

But the club's manager completely rejects the allegation made by Ms Griffin, her partner and her friends. The manager says he was there and that Ms Griffin's outfit did not meet the venue's dress code.

The couple disagrees.

"I was absolutely devastated by what happened," Ms Griffin told the Mercury.

"Ten of us were lined up behind a few other couples about 11.30pm after going to a nice restaurant for dinner. Two of my friends were allowed in before they got to me and then the bouncer said 'no, not letting you in with those shoes'."

Ms Griffin agreed to be photographed by the Mercury wearing the same outfit she had on that night. The shoes in question are Colorado brand black dress shoes.

"When I pointed this out, the bouncer said, 'well, we're not letting you in in those jeans'.

"I felt humiliated, I started to cry and my partner asked him what the problem was and he said 'we don't let big girls in baggy jeans in'.

"At that stage things did turn ugly. I was crying and Todd [Harding, her partner] was angry and the other bouncers stepped in and started ridiculing us and Todd was arguing with them. Two of my friends were inside and we couldn't believe this was happening."

Her distressed mother, Maxine, said: "She looked lovely.

"Sarah has battled depression and her weight she had lap-band surgery and has lost almost 40kg and she came home sobbing. It broke my heart."

The nightclub manager denies one of his bouncers spat in Mr Harding's face when the argument escalated.

"Absolutely not," he said. "Come to the nightclub and you will see people of all shapes and sizes, all ethnicities there is no discrimination.

"You can't come in if you look like you've been to the local supermarket.

"We turn hundreds of people away because they don't understand the dress requirement."

Heidi Heinrich, a friend of the couple, was also there that night and spoke to the manager, whom she described as the "rudest person I've ever come across".

"I worked for years at nightclubs and you were expected to be nice to peoplediffuse any potentially difficult situations, and to treat people fairly. I couldn't believe what I witnessed [at the nightclub]," Ms Heinrich said.

"Sarah was obviously devastated, and I went over and said I want to speak to the manager, and he said 'I'm it and if you don't like it f... off, go to the cops, they're over there'.

"Todd [an Australian Army soldier] eventually said 'I don't need this, I've been to defend my country', and one of the bouncers said 'I thought they had a height and weight requirement, f... off'.

"It was completely outrageous and totally unacceptable.

"I was very polite to him, very conscious of what I was saying."

Ms Griffin said she intended to make a complaint and the Anti-Discrimination Commission confirmed any such complaint would be investigated.

The nightclub manager said there was a verbal altercation and he would look at the footage.

"I would welcome any investigation because we did absolutely nothing wrong their behaviour was unacceptable and they've fabricated this story," he said.

The Mercury has withheld the nightclub's name until the outcome of any hearing is known.





BigShow2008 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-4-23 22:45:22