本帖最后由 zcy 于 2011-1-18 19:36 编辑
审计handbook $10 2010 the latest version , verrry neeew.
international marketing never used $15
Wardrobe $35 5层
镜子 $8
吸尘器 $ 20 got just 2 monthes
还有各种储物箱。 小的 大的都有。没上图。 便宜卖。
PS: 卖车 :holden barina swing:2600 $ 低价卖, fixed price for quick sale. half year rego left plus just replaced front and back brakes valued at $800 . car bought for 2 two years, very good engine, no problems at all. 157000 kms / 1.4/ auto.
就要离岛链, everthing for quick sale.
ph: 0411868926
qq: 459672751