

local为国际学生 受害者 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK03dm3kVDI

QQQQQQ 2010-5-12 09:39:28 其他 阅读 2112 来自: 澳大利亚
本帖最后由 QQQQQQ 于 2010-5-12 10:12 编辑

日期 2010年5月12日
时间 12:30 - 13:30
位置 TUU Refectory Steps
街道 1 Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay

活动描述The Tasmania University Union (TUU) is organising a rally for WEDNESDAY, 12 MAY @ 12.30pm on the REF STEPS at the Sandy Bay campus of Utas to voice student's concerns about violent attacks against students.

There will be an open mic at the rally for students to voice their concerns.There have been a number of recent attacks, many against international students. The most recent attacks were Monday 3 May near the Law School and Saturday 8 May in View Street.

These attacks are a disgrace and the University needs to accept responsibility for the safety of students and do more to protect us.

We will be wiping the dust off the loudhailers and have stickers for you to put on! So be there and be heard!

11 May - The Mercury, The Age, ABC television and radio, Southern Cross television WIN television, Heart FM, and several members of Parliament contacted the TUU today about the rally. Make sure to watch ABC tv news tonight at 7pm!
