


yoyo11111 2010-3-17 14:38:38 阅读 4879 来自: 澳大利亚



vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 1# yoyo11111

oh... sweetie,
i guess you haven't started your study here, isn't it?
1> as far as I know, Big 4 does not recruit anyone without a PR visa.
As a fresh MPA graduate, it's very unlikely to have a PR visa straight away.
2> Well, you can always apply for Big 4 after you get your PR.
then, again, which Uni you graduate counts almost nothing to the BIG 4. your personal ability says more to the employer.
I reckon, if you are fond of BIG 4, you will have a better chance to work for them back in China or Singapore, with your UTAS degree.
3> in general, if you are hoping to land an accounting position, there are usually more position available in the main land, big cities like Mel and SYD. only DTT & KPMG has office in Hobart. They barely recruit any new graduates every year.


PS: just to back up my answer, I am an accountant. and I once worked for Big 4. :-)
回复 · 2010-3-17 15:42:18
暴走卡卡 来自: 澳大利亚


~{:4_203:}LS  非PR一样可以进入四大工作  只要你满足他们的条件

雅思 阅读7.5 听力写作似乎是7 然后口语8 并且满足申请PR的条件即可 (详情参看四大网页中international student一栏)

每年都有四大的实习 今年的3月11日左右开始报名了 估计4月会结束

一个高的起点固然是好的 但是大家还是要避免眼高手低的问题 如果有一个扎实的起步 在一些小的事务所一样是能有很不错的发展机会 毕竟四大里人才济济 很有可能把你给埋没了 哈哈哈~
回复 · 2010-3-17 15:57:10
暴走卡卡 来自: 澳大利亚


说到了学校 比如说 如果你是麦考瑞的 那一定比塔大有优势 这点是毋庸质疑的

也就是两人同样的条件 一定会偏向麦考瑞大学 因为人家的教学质素和淘汰率非塔大可比

但是工作经验才是王道。。。。麦考瑞的硕士毕业新生估计都没一个塔大会计毕业 工作过1年的人吃香....
回复 · 2010-3-17 16:03:35
vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 3# 暴走卡卡

I know of that clause. but honestly, I rarely see any candidate come through that back ground, especially for chinese students due to the obvious language, official term 'communication skill' problem.
so, it's more like to protection for BIG 4 from law suit of discrimination during the recruitment process.
what I said is not absolute, but personal opinion.
Nonetheless, I do hold the best wish for all the chinese students to get a good job.
回复 · 2010-3-17 16:08:01
Easy 来自: 澳大利亚


受教了LS and LSS
回复 · 2010-3-17 16:11:41
vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 4# 暴走卡卡

    regarding your point of 'starting low, down to earth',
I agree, especially in account field.
it's quite usual for someone to start in a local small firm, and end up a manager or director role in a 2nd tier firm.
回复 · 2010-3-17 16:12:50
暴走卡卡 来自: 澳大利亚


LZ~ 如果努力 想进四大不是不可能 门从来都没有关死过 知道这点就够了
回复 · 2010-3-17 16:14:13
vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 8# 暴走卡卡
Add OIL!!!!
回复 · 2010-3-17 16:17:33
暴走卡卡 来自: 澳大利亚


回复  暴走卡卡
Add OIL!!!!
vickyinsydney 发表于 2010-3-17 17:17

  哈哈 +U+U!!
回复 · 2010-3-17 16:19:35