


cpat 2016-7-5 23:37:57 阅读 12529 来自: 澳大利亚
前天州政府出版的塔州The International Education Position Paper(塔州国际教育立场书),其中中关于塔州国际教育策略的定位是酱紫:
  • 国际教育是塔州的朝阳行业,204/15年国际教育给塔州经济带来1.64亿澳币的收入。
  • 州政府在新的财年将为国际教育的推广提供30万的支持,期待进一步发展塔州国际教育,吸引更多海外留学生。
  • 政府认为,国际教育,既留学生不仅为塔州带来财政收入,而且为促进了进出口市场。
  • 为塔州当地市场提供了就业大军。
  • 为塔斯马尼亚在语言和文化方面提供了多样性。
  • 塔大是塔州国际教育的主力军,其它职业学校和中学都有潜力吸引更多留学生。

Matthew Groom, Minister for State Growth:

International Education prospects for future growth
I am pleased to release the Position Paper for the Hodgman Liberal Government’s International Education Strategy, outlining the Government’s position on further opportunities for Tasmania in the international education sector and helping to inform further consultation with key stakeholders to develop a final strategy.
We recognise international education is a significant pillar of Tasmania’s economy, contributing $164 million to the economy in 2014-15.
The Government has shown its commitment to further growth with $300,000 in the State Budget to develop an International Education Strategy.
In addition to its contribution to the economy, the international education sector also helps to further Tasmania’s engagement with our key export markets, helps to upskill our local workforce and enhance our cultural and linguistic diversity.
Tasmania is well-positioned to benefit from new opportunities in this growing sector, especially if undertaken in a collaborative, targeted and strategic way.
The University of Tasmania is the major driving force for international education in Tasmania and has been integral to building our reputation in overseas markets.
The school and vocational education sectors also have a long tradition of welcoming international students and significant potential for further expansion.
The Tasmanian Government is building on Tasmania’s strong brand and high quality education services and will work closely with our stakeholders to identify initiatives to encourage the continued growth of the international education sector.
The International Education Position Paper is available at: www.stategrowth.tas.gov.au/home/sectors/international_education 695642246213467227.jpg [/url]


