What is swine flu?什么是猪流感?
Swine flu is a group of influenza viruses that causes flu in pigs. Usually infections in humans is uncommon.猪流感是引起猪出现流感的病毒性流感的一种。通常情况不传染给人。
The current swine flu which is infecting people is a new strain of influenza A/H1N1. It is not certain how it developed. Its genetic makeup shows parts of human flu, avian (bird) flu and swine flu.目前正在传染人类的猪流感是一种新的流行性感冒A/H1N1。但不确定它会如何发展。它的遗传本质显示出部分人类流感、禽流感和猪流感。
What are the symptoms?症状是什么?
Limited information is available at this stage. It appears that the early symptoms are similar to seasonal flu - cough, fever, sore throat, headache, runny nose general fatigue, and muscle pains. Vomiting and diarrhea have also been noted. Severe cases have progressed quickly (within 5 days) to pneumonia-like illness (shortness of breath and difficulty breathing). 目前关于这方面的信息有限。它的初期症状与季节性流感非常相似:咳嗽,发烧,喉咙疼痛,头痛,流鼻涕,一般性疲劳,肌肉疼痛。呕吐和腹泻也有出现。严重者会快速(5天内)发展成肺炎-相似的疾病(呼吸急促和呼吸困难)
Is this swine flu a severe illness?猪流感是否是严重疾病?
It appears that the virus is capable of causing severe disease. However it is currently unknown how likely it is that those who get sick will suffer a severe illness.它的病毒有可能引起严重的疾病。然而,目前还未了解那些患病的人员有多大可能转化成严重疾病。
Most cases in the United States to date have been mild. There have been no fatalities.在美国,目前大多数病症患者的病情已经转轻。而且没有死亡发生。
In Mexico there have been fatal cases, apparantly in previously healthy young adults. The proportion of severe cases appears to be much higher than with regular seasonal flu.在墨西哥有死亡病例,主要出现在先前健壮的年轻人。出现严重症状的比例要远高于常规性季节流感。
Why the disease appears to be more severe in Mexico is unknown.但是为什么在目前墨西哥出现的病症比较严重还不了解
How is this swine flu spreading?这种猪流感是如何传播的?
It is most likely spreading from person to person through infectious respiratory droplets (droplets generated when a person coughs, sneezes or talks)猪流感的传播极有可能是由于人与人通过感染者呼吸性的液滴(液滴是由于人在咳嗽、打喷嚏或者谈话时产生的)
How can I prevent getting sick?如何预防猪流感?
By observing good hygiene. Avoid people who are obviously sick. Be sure to wash your hands frequently. Avoid touching your face, and if you do, be sure your hands are clean.注意良好的卫生。避免接触明显患病的人员。确保经常性洗手。避免接触脸,或者接触脸前,要确保你的手是干净的。
Is there a vaccine?是否有猪流感方面的疫苗?
There is no specific vaccine against this swine flu as yet. Regular seasonal flu vaccine is unlikely to provide protection against this strain. Nevertheless, those who have not had a seasonal flu vaccine should consider doing so. 目前针对猪流感还没有专门的疫苗。常规性的季节流感疫苗可能无法应对这种疫情。然而,对于没有接种过季节流感疫苗的人员可以考虑接种。
As a general good health practice, people should make sure all their routine vaccinations are up-to-date. This includes pneumococcal vaccination for certain adults. This vaccine is usually recommended for all people over 65 years old and younger people with serious long-term health problems (heart disease, diabetes, alcoholism, COPD, emphysema, asthma, cancer treatment, HIV/AIDS). This CDC information can help people work with their doctor to decide if vaccination is the right choice for them. 作为良好的健康习惯,人们应该确保接种的常规疫苗是最新的。这包括对于一定年龄的成人的肺炎球菌疫苗,这种疫苗一般建议超过65岁的老年人和伴有严重长期性疾病(心脏病,糖尿病,酒精中毒,COPD,肺气肿,哮喘,癌症治疗,艾滋病)的相对年轻一些的人员使用。该消息来自CDC,可以帮助员工同他们的医生一起来判定是否需要接种疫苗。
Should I travel to Mexico or the US?是否应该出差到墨西哥或美国?
See the Travel Recommendations page for the latest travel advice.见公司最新的出差建议
An employee is currently in Mexico. Should they return home?员工目前在墨西哥,他是否需要回家?
Employees who are currently well can return home. They should closely monitor their health and watch for flu-like symptoms. If they develop symptoms, they should seek medical attention.对于目前一切良好的员工可以返回家。他们的健康状况应该接受密切的监护,并且关注是否出现可能的流感症状。如果出现症状,应立即就医。
Employees who are currently ill should seek medical attention in Mexico before returning home. International SOS members should call the number on their membership cards for assistance.
An employee has recently returned from Mexico. Should they return to work?员工刚从墨西哥回来,是否应该立即返回工作岗位?
Employees who are currently ill should not return to work until they receive medical attention. They should tell their medical caregiver that they have recently been to Mexico.对于生病的员工在接受医疗检查前,不得返回工作岗位。这些员工应将他们近期去过墨西哥的情况告诉他们的医疗关心人员
People who are infected may be infectious for one day before they show symptoms (see below "What is the infectious period?"). It is not yet known how long the period is from exposure to people developing symptoms (see below "What is the incubation period?").对于被感染的人员,在他们出现症状前的一天内都可能是易传染的。(见以下“什么是感染期?”)。目前还不确定从接触到出现症状需要多长时间。(见以下“什么是潜伏期?”)
To reduce the risk of infection spreading within the work place, if return to work policies allow, it may be prudent to request people returning from affected areas to remain away from the work place for at least 72 hours.为了减少传染病在工作区域扩散的危险,对于政策允许可以返回工作岗位的情况,必须谨慎对待,从受疾病侵袭地区返回的人员必须至少离岗72小时后才可返回工作岗位。
Once the incubation and infectious periods are better understood, the 72 hour period may change. Employees should continue to watch for flu-like symptoms even after they return to work.一旦对潜伏期和感染期已经有了很清楚的了解,72小时的要求可能改变。员工即使已经返回工作岗位,也要持续监督流感可能症状。
What is the infectious period?什么是感染期?
The infectious period for this strain is not yet known. According to the US CDC, infected people should be considered potentially contagious: 目前针对此应变,感染期还没有确定。根据美国CDC要求,受感染人员应被视为潜在的传染者
one day before their symptoms start 在症状开始的前一天
seven days after their symptoms start OR as long as they are still showing symptoms (whichever is longer) 症状开始后的7天或只要有症状出现的时候(无论哪一个更长)
Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods.儿童,特别是年纪较小的孩子,可能是潜在的长期传染者。
What is the incubation period?什么是潜伏期?
The incubation period is the time between exposure to the virus and people developing symptoms. The incubation period for this strain is not yet known. 潜伏期是指从暴露在病毒环境开始到出现症状之间的时间段。目前针对此应变,潜伏期还没有确定。
With seasonal flu, people develop symptoms within about 4 days. However for this new strain of flu, the incubation period may be longer.伴随季节性流感,人们大概在4天内出现症状。然而对于这一新的流感应变,潜伏期可能会更长。
US CDC is currently advising people to monitor their health for 7 days after possible exposure.美国CDC机构目前已经建议可能暴露在病毒环境的人员要接受7天健康状况观察。
Should employees take antiviral medication (Tamiflu) with them when traveling to Mexico?员工到墨西哥出差是否应该携带一些抗滤过性病原体的药物(Tamiflu-抗禽流感药物)?
This is an individual decision, which should be made in consultation with a health professional. Any time employees carry medication internationally, they should keep the original prescription with them and carry the medication in its original box. Employees should consult a medical professional before using antiviral medication. 个人可根据咨询健康专家的意见自行决定。任何时候,员工携带药物进行国际出差,都必须保留原有处方,并将药物放置原有盒子中。员工在使用抗滤过性病原体药物前应咨询医疗专家。
Should employees be vaccinated against seasonal flu?员工是否需要接种疫苗以预防季节性流感?
All international travelers should be vaccinated annually for the flu, every year, to reduce their risk of developing seasonal influenza. However, it is unknown whether the current seasonal flu vaccination will offer any protection against the H1N1 swine flu strain circulating in the US, or the severe respiratory illness occurring in Mexico.对于国际出差者每年都要接种流感疫苗已降低发生季节性流感的危险。然而,目前还不了解是否当前的季节性流感疫苗可以抵抗在美国传播的任何H1N1猪流感疫情或者在墨西哥发生的严重呼吸性疾病。
As a general good health practice, people should make sure all their routine vaccinations are up-to-date. This includes pneumococcal vaccination for certain adults (over age 65, those with a serious chronic illness or decreased immune function due to cancer, transplant, HIV/AIDS, etc.). This CDC information can help employees work with their doctor to decide if vaccination is the right choice. 作为良好的健康习惯,人们应该确保接种的常规疫苗是最新的。这包括对于一定年龄成人的肺炎球菌疫苗(超过65岁,伴有严重的慢性病或者由于癌症、器官移植,艾滋病等引起的免疫力下降)。该消息来自CDC,可以帮助员工同他们的医生一起来判定是否需要接种疫苗。
Can I catch swine flu from eating pork or pork products吃猪肉或者猪肉产品是否会感染猪流感?
Can swine flu be treated with antiviral medications?是否抗滤过性病原体药物可以治疗猪流感?
Preliminary information indicates that the virus is sensitive to the newer antiviral medications oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). It is resistant to the older medications amantadine and rimantidine.目前的信息显示该病毒对于新的抗滤过性病原体药物是敏感的oseltamivir (Tamiflu) 和 zanamivir (Relenza)。对于老的药物(amantadine 和rimantidine)是有抵抗力的 |