


呼啦啦 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-9-13 12:03:36
匿名  发表于 2012-9-13 12:18:29 来自: 澳大利亚


呼啦啦 发表于 2012-9-13 12:03
谢谢大家的安慰和支持,但是很遗憾,大家给的那些信息和我的合同无关,如果我要搬出去,还是需要找一个合适 ...

上次修东西的时候有留下什么email或者短信吗? 用了多少时间才修理好?
回复 · 2012-9-13 12:18:29
他从来都没来修过东西,洗衣机还是我自己买的。。等了差不多一个多月了  详情 回复
2012-9-13 12:57
呼啦啦 来自: 澳大利亚


本帖最后由 呼啦啦 于 2012-9-13 12:59 编辑
匿名者 发表于 2012-9-13 12:18
上次修东西的时候有留下什么email或者短信吗? 用了多少时间才修理好?

回复 · 2012-9-13 12:57:38
匿名  发表于 2012-9-13 14:25:01 来自: 澳大利亚


如果你的合同是service tasmania的合同


你就看看有什么可以修的就让他修,不能工作的情况修下,也可以让他给你洗衣机的钱,因为那都算是Essential services。


Notice to terminate (for use by tenants)
If the tenant wants to leave early because the owner hasn’t complied with the agreement – for example,
if the property is not maintained properly – they must give the owner a notice to terminate the agreement .
A notice to terminate must contain the following information:
• the date of serving the notice
• the name of the tenant
• the name of the owner
• the premises for which notice is being given
• details of the grounds or reasons for the notice
• the date on which the notice takes effect .
If the owner complies with the agreement within 14 days the notice has no effect and the agreement continues .
However if the notice is given for failure to carry out repairs, the notice still ends the agreement even if the repairs are carried out within 14 days . The tenant can leave on the last day
of the notice . If a tenant leaves without giving notice they may be liable for further rent or other costs including re-letting costs after they have moved out . See the section If the tenant wishes to leave early on page 7

and disputes
If you have a dispute or a problem, you should first discuss it with the other party . If you cannot solve the problem or you need further information or advice, contact Consumer Affairs
and Fair Trading or the Legal Aid Commission . If you are a tenant you can also seek advice and assistance from the Tenants Union of Tasmania or PRTSS . Their contact details are given on the back of this booklet .

http://www.consumer.tas.gov.au/_ ... ntal_guide_2011.pdf

Maintenance and repairs
Owner’s obligation to maintain the premises
The owner must maintain the premises in as near as possible to the same condition (apart from reasonable
wear and tear) which existed when
the tenancy started . If maintenance or repairs are needed, and the tenant is not at fault, the owner must make the repairs at his/her own cost .
If the repairs are general in nature the owner has 28 days from when the tenant notified them in which to make the repairs . If the repairs are urgent they must be made as soon as possible . See the section Urgent or emergency repairs on this page .
Tenant’s obligations
The tenant is responsible for
keeping and leaving the premises
in a reasonable state of cleanliness, ensuring that the premises are in a similar condition to that which existed when the tenancy started (apart from fair wear and tear) . If the tenant caused the need for repair they must pay any costs involved .
If repairs are needed, the tenant should notify the owner within 7 days . The Act doesn’t require the tenant
to make this notification in writing; however, we recommend the notification is made in writing and that the tenant keeps a copy .
General repairs
If the repairs are general in nature,
the owner has 28 days from when the tenant notified them in which to make the repairs . If the repairs are urgent they must be made as soon as possible .
Urgent or emergency repairs
Urgent repairs are usually required when damage occurs – a broken window from a storm, for example – or when an essential service has stopped working . If this happens:
• the tenant must notify the owner of the need for urgent repair as soon as they are aware of the problem
• the owner has an obligation to carry out the repair or restore the service as soon as possible .
Essential services include:
• water
• sewerage
• removal of waste water from kitchens, bathrooms and laundries
• electricity
• heating
• cooking stove
• hot water service.
Example: If one hotplate ceased to work, a stove would continue to function . This would be a general repair, not an urgent repair . However, if a number of plates weren’t working or the stove did not work at all, this would be an urgent repair .

If the owner cannot be contacted
If an owner expects to be away or not able to be contacted, he or she should give the tenant the name of a person to contact if an urgent repair is needed .
This person is called a ‘nominated repairer’ under the Act and will undertake repairs to essential services on the owner’s behalf . Many owners include the name of a nominated repairer in the tenancy agreement .
If the owner cannot be contacted, or fails to carry out the repair, the tenant may make arrangements for the nominated repairer to carry out the repairs necessary to make the essential service function . The nominated repairer will charge the owner for their services .
If there is no nominated repairer or
the nominated repairer cannot be contacted, the tenant may arrange for a suitable person to carry out the repairs . The costs are paid by the tenant, and then recovered from the owner .
The Act makes provisions for the owner to repay any costs to the tenant within 14 days but the owner may dispute these costs and apply to the Magistrates Court for a decision to
be made .

Disputes about repairs
The owner must complete repairs within the required time otherwise he or she is in breach of the tenancy agreement .
Where the owner fails to carry out repairs, or there is a dispute about whether repairs should be carried out, the tenant should contact Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading, the Tenants Union of Tasmania, PRTSS or any of the services listed under Problems and legal disputes on the back of this booklet for information about his or her rights .
A tenant may apply to a magistrate for an order requiring the owner to carry out repairs . If the tenant has a fixed term agreement they may choose to leave the tenancy by giving notice to terminate the agreement for failure
to carry out repair .

Notices to vacate/terminate a tenancy agreement on page 14 .
回复 · 2012-9-13 14:25:01
谢谢你,说得那么详细,很谢谢你的热心。 说实话我已经联系过很多次那个房屋租借的部门,还有查询那些册子上的守则,条款。就连那里的工作人员也说过了,一切的结论都必须要由政府部门来裁定。无论现在发生了什么,  详情 回复
2012-9-13 16:38
呼啦啦 来自: 澳大利亚


匿名者 发表于 2012-9-13 14:25
如果你的合同是service tasmania的合同

如果没有记录的话比较难了,如果在28天以内没有修的话可以自己联系 ...


回复 · 2012-9-13 16:38:12
hobart0001 来自: 澳大利亚


阿姐,我是以前来吃饭的阿弟, 纯支持你
我之前跟中介租房子也闹的很恶心,最后我们去的是 TAS Tenants Union, 把情况给他们说。 他们出面搞定的
你可以google一下, 服务都是免费的,无需预约,直接杀进去哭就行
回复 · 2012-9-13 16:52:32
- -||小兄弟,谢谢你的支持,这事情真的是费心费力费口舌费时间,这老师就跟蚂蝗一样,就是不松口,多吸你口血都是开心的。你说的这个tas tenants union就是那个在M大街转角处的那个地方是吧。如果是,那可以说我去  详情 回复
2012-9-13 17:47
2012-9-13 17:12
匿名  发表于 2012-9-13 17:15:41 来自: 澳大利亚


呼啦啦 发表于 2012-9-13 16:38
说实话我已经联系过很多次那个房屋租借的部门,还有查询那些册 ...

不客气 希望能顺利办好 多去问问吧 政府有很多这种部门 但是必须要有证据的

实在不方便不匿名 希望一些都好起来 对你有帮助!

回复 · 2012-9-13 17:15:41
liuer 来自: 澳大利亚


本帖最后由 liuer 于 2012-9-13 18:45 编辑

回复 · 2012-9-13 17:43:23
谢谢你的安慰 其实说起来,还不如碰到绝尘而去的人呢,这样我也就拍拍屁股走人了。。  详情 回复
2012-9-13 19:54
呼啦啦 来自: 澳大利亚


hobart0001 发表于 2012-9-13 16:52
阿姐,我是以前来吃饭的阿弟, 纯支持你
我之前跟中介租房子也闹的很恶心,最后我们去的是 TAS Tenants Uni ...

- -||小兄弟,谢谢你的支持,这事情真的是费心费力费口舌费时间,这老师就跟蚂蝗一样,就是不松口,多吸你口血都是开心的。你说的这个tas tenants union就是那个在M大街转角处的那个地方是吧。如果是,那可以说我去过很多次了,对方是一脸无奈,跟我说抱歉,帮不了我,就直接把我送出来了。这不是哭不哭的问题了,是我基本觉得澳洲法律也就这样了。
回复 · 2012-9-13 17:47:11
匿名  发表于 2012-9-13 18:11:49 来自: 澳大利亚


都已经明确告诉你这房子属于非法改装了   你信不信只要去打电话给council  一个星期之内就有人上门要求强制整改  在整改完之前是不可以出租的

而且租非法改装的房子给你就算有合同  合同也是无效的   楼主可以直接搬走    你觉得他真敢去告你?

回复 · 2012-9-13 18:11:49
好的,谢谢你,我明天打电话,会继续尝试 我的确是个不喜欢闹事的,也讨厌麻烦事情,在要打工,要学习,还不能好好休息要被这样折腾,我不是超人,我的确是精疲力竭了,特别是咨询了这些所谓的有关部门,各个都是“  详情 回复
2012-9-13 19:51