邮件是关于最近一起在sandy bay有人被扔水球的事情,英文难度不高,大家可以自己瞧瞧。
Yesterday, a group of Chinese student were attacked by water bomb
>again in Sandy Bay area. This time, one Chinese student recorded the
>plate number of the attacker and report it to Uni securities. The
>car is a white colour 1987 Ford Meteor, plate number: CJ1679. These
>guys are the group who always attack Asian people. The security said
>some other students were attacked too by the same car yesterday near
>Uni. You can google search how the car looks like and pay attentions
>when you walk on streets. If you are attacked by the same car,
>please report it to local police. I don't think there will be any
>charges to these guys, but more cases reported, more serious the
>police will consider it. Even if the police can send them a warning,
>they will not be so rampant in the future. Thank you.
既然没人管,看来以后出门包里要装块石头,他丢我水球,我就追过去拿石头砸他玻璃:@ |