

Easter Service Special - Engine Oil / Radiator Coolant Flush

PGT 2011-4-19 21:12:53 阅读 14926 来自: 澳大利亚
Special offer available now, only for the period 25/4/2011 (Monday) to 1/5/2011 (Sunday).
After this period, there will be NO service available from me, not even at normal price.

Prices for service have been reduced for this promotion period. Refer to the new price list below:

Engine Oil / Filter Service
Engine oil change only:     $55
Engine oil + filter change:  $75
Combo! Engine oil flush + Engine oil + filter change: $90

Radiator Service
Radiator flush + coolant change:  $45
Radiator stop leak: +-$12

Super Combo
Engine oil flush + Engine oil + Filter change + radiator flush + coolant change: $120

Generally takes around 1 - 2 hours depending on the service required. Will go to your garage, or at my garage at an agreed time, from the morning until evening.

Can also do other minor services as well if agreed, please contact for more information.

Link to my old thread: http://youtas.com/thread-27245-1-10.html

I'm experienced with vehicle servicing, and have done minor work from fluid change, brakes pad change, spark plugs/cable/coil packs change, water pump/alternator replacement, up to major work such as power steering high pressure hose change, and engine pull. However, i would prefer only to do minor servicing for now as it is less time consuming.

Can also diagnose certain OBD I Nissan vehicle, such as Z32, R33, R34, S14, N14, N15 and some others with laptop and software.

I can be contacted by leaving a post here, or my number 0404392759 to make any booking.
Please let me know your:
Car year, make and model
to enable me to give you an accurate quote and confirm a time.

Located in Sandy Bay.
Engine Oil change recommended every 5,000km or 6 months, whichever comes first.
Fresh coolant can last up to 2 or 3 years depending on how clean the system is.

Have your engine oil changed on time to ensure:
Engine is properly lubricated
Reduce friction and wear and tear
Keep engine life longer



vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 PGT 的帖子

wah... are you coming back for the easter? for the sportie?
I am learning making portugues egg tarts atm yor. interested?{:soso_e113:}
回复 · 2011-4-19 23:29:11
PGT 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 vickyinsydney 的帖子

Haha Portuguese Egg Tart? Would be nice, let me know and i'll come over. Can take a look at your new family member as well. If you haven't had the exhaust checked, i'll do it for you. {:soso_e100:}
回复 · 2011-4-20 06:38:18
vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 PGT 的帖子

r u here already?
my chilli has got a service done. i would not mind if you'd like to have a better look. always welcomed. :p
as to the tart, en... i can make them on Thursday or Friday.
would you friends like to have some too? make a batch?
回复 · 2011-4-20 09:07:11
PGT 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 vickyinsydney 的帖子

I still can't accept its name ><
Can do some work on your "Chilli' while I'm there as I'm gonna be pretty free.
Not forgetting 'Gorgeous'. Wanna do a polish together ? I've got a polisher {:soso_e128:}
Gonna show you more about the red Zed.
A bit rush this time to gather material, if not can show you a plenum pull and valve cover gasket change, together with various water hose and vacuum hose bypass. I promise I'll get you over next time I do that.
回复 · 2011-4-20 09:29:18
vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 PGT 的帖子

YES YES. LET'S DO THEM ALL. {:soso_e113:}
回复 · 2011-4-20 10:02:43
PGT 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


Pictures of cars serviced:

Legend - oil/filter change/ radiator flush

Magna TJ - oil/filter change/ replacement of globes

Neon - radiator flush

Celica - oil/filter change

300zx - oil/filter/ fuel filter/ fuel lines/ power steering high pressure hose/ intercoolers/ radiator hoses change/ radiator flush

Probe - oil/filter/ alternator/ radiator hoses/ brake pads change/ cold air intake/ electrical modifications/ interior lighting/ rear sway bar upgrade

300zx engine pull - hi flow turbo replacement and timing belt replacement

Probe - stock airbox

Probe - fitting of aftermarket cold air intake

Probe - brake pads change

300zx - rear sway bar replacement, ECU diagnosis, tps setting, idle adjustment, PTU positioning, radiator burp, balance pipe refitting

Thank you to the owners who's car is pictured.

Get your car serviced at a low price with you watching. A small investment to protect your car and learn more about your car.
回复 · 2011-4-21 09:19:19
vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


oh, i like the works done on that PROBE. {:soso_e112:}
回复 · 2011-4-21 11:13:05
PGT 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 vickyinsydney 的帖子

The Probe was not an easy job either, but in the end it's all worth it.
Falling in love with the Zed now, it's getting easier and easier to fix them.
The black zed in the last pic however was quite a pain, i worked on her from 3pm to 12am. The owner said his mechanic told him that his rear sway bar was bent, and asked me to change it for him since I had a spare. His car was involved in a quite nasty accident that damaged quite some suspension component, power steering rack, front camber arms, right rear shocks and etc. Both exhaust muffler had to be removed to give way to the rear sway bar, and after I removed them, I found that the sway bar isn't bent at all! We compared and measured it with the spare one i had and there is absolutely no difference. Damn mechanics. I think they had mistaken the 2 curves of the sway bar to a 'bent'. Which is stupid.

The rear sway bar is the 1st one from the top.

But it was fun as we had access to the ECU through my laptop, and we could monitor stuff such as throttle position sensor voltage, idle, error codes, water temperature, oxygen sensor voltage and many more, which we could then adjust the car to its optimum. Might get the car to dyno after fixing other misc stuff. I'll bring my gears and show you this time on the red Zed. After that you might be thinking of getting one for your baby as well {:soso_e113:}
回复 · 2011-4-22 06:26:34
vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 PGT 的帖子

cool. I'd love to see how you operate. maybe I can learn to do them too one day.
回复 · 2011-4-22 10:10:41