

First step to freedom

ceciliachiu 2012-4-29 11:11:59 阅读 8819 来自: 澳大利亚
19 October 2011 Wednesday, Day 7

A brace 支架 was fitted on me today.  As I have multiple fractures, it was rigid 僵硬 and very long from waist to back of head, front and back, shoulder to shoulder. With this brace, I was allowed to sit and walk. Eventually some movement was allowed.   

The orthotic 矯形部門 staff helped me out of bed. With even a slight movement, the room spinned like mad 天旋地轉. He said I probably have vertigo 耳水不平衡 from the accident.  It is treatable but with multiple fractures like in my case, little can be done for the time being.

I stood up and walked for like two steps and sat on an armchair for about an hour.  Then he put me back to bed. When I was sitting on the edge of the bed, a drop of blood streamed down from my nose. He wiped it off and asked if I had salty taste at the back of my throat. He was worried that there could be a leakage in my nasal lining 鼻膜 and what came out could be spinal fluid 脊髓液. Later the doctor said if there was further nasal bleeding, a sample needed to be taken.  Again, luck was with me.  There was no further bleeding or abnormality.

Grace had an operation to put a screw into her neck to fix the fracture.  She left the ward at about 10am and then there was no news about her. I asked a few times but got no answer.  Sandy and Gilbert had a city walk today and came to the hospital early.  I asked them to check how Grace was as the operation seemed to be exceedingly long.

As it turned out, half way through the operation, the surgeon thought Grace’s mouth had not opened wide enough for him to see the inside clearly.  He thus abandoned 放棄 the operation.  When Grace woke up, she could not speak because her jaw 颌骨 was dislocated 移位. Then another team of doctors came, examined her, pushed her back into the theatre and fixed her jaw. By the time she returned to the ward, it was 5pm. As the driver, I felt particularly sorry for putting her through this.  





nita2010 来自: 澳大利亚


All the best!
回复 · 2012-4-29 12:48:54
Thanks.  详情 回复
2012-4-29 13:18
ceciliachiu 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


nita2010 发表于 2012-4-29 12:48
All the best!

回复 · 2012-4-29 13:18:42

我於2005年5月移居澳洲塔斯曼尼亞,居於Launceston,現為translator, English editor and copywriter 。具有NAATI翻譯員資格(NAATI NO. 60299)。 喜愛旅遊和交友 。個人網頁:www.ceciliachiu.com