


塔州新闻 2014-11-12 08:47:51 阅读 11341 来自: 澳大利亚
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Tasmania Chinese Communities Warmly Welcome President Xi Jinping and First Lady Peng

Liyuan to Tasmania

澳洲华人生物医学学会塔斯马尼亚分会 (Australian Chinese Association for Biomedical Sciences Tasmania Branch)

塔州中华商会 (Tasmania Chinese Business Association)

塔省华人联谊会 (Chinese Community Association of Tasmania)

中国汉传密宗-圣密宗古梵密金刚禅佛教 (Chinese Han Transmission Tantrayana – Holy Tantra Gu Fan Mi Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism)

塔斯马尼亚中文网 (Tasmania Chinese Media)

朗塞华人协会 (Launceston Chinese Society)

澳洲中国艺术协会 (Chinese Art Society, Australia)

塔斯马尼亚文华会 (Chinese Cultural Society of Tasmania)

塔斯马尼亚华人专家学者协会 (Chinese Professionals Association of Tasmania)

塔州中华艺术交流协会 (Tasmania Chinese Art and Communication Society)

塔州中文学校 (Tasmania Chinese School)

澳中友好协会塔州分会 (Australia China Friendship Society Tasmania Branch)

塔斯马尼亚大学中国学生学者协会 (Chinese Students & Scholars Association, UTAS)

塔州中文教师协会 (Tasmania Chinese Teachers Association)

澳洲墨尔本安徽同乡会 (Australian Anhui Association (Melbourne))

铺好欢迎的红毯 斟满友谊的美酒 —热烈欢迎习近平主席和夫人彭丽媛访问塔斯马尼亚

中国国家主席习近平和夫人彭丽媛将于今年十一月十八日访问塔斯马尼亚州首府霍巴特。历史将记住这一天。自从2013年,习近平主席告诉时任澳大利亚总理的吉拉德,塔斯马尼亚州将是他下次访澳的重要目的地时,习近平主席的来访就一直是人们热议的话题。此次,习近平主席将在布里斯班二十国首脑峰会后短暂访问塔州,虽然时间不长,但是意义重大。 塔州各界欢欣鼓舞,满怀喜悦之情,隆重迎接习近平主席的来访。
热烈的欢迎塔州州长Will Hodgman说:“我们非常感激和珍视同中国的友谊,中国现在已成为我们最大的贸易伙伴。此次习主席的来访将给塔斯马尼亚带来无与伦比的向世界展示自己的机遇,并进一步促进中国和塔州的经济文化联系。我相信塔州人民会拥抱这次千载难逢的机遇,来促进和推广塔州的特色,尤其是我们绝佳的新鲜产品和美丽的环境。”

塔州工党领袖Bryan Green表示,“能够有机会展示塔州独特的自然环境,以及在农业、水产、可再生能源和创新方面的经济优势将是巨大的荣幸。塔州工党与中国具有悠久的和令人骄傲的友谊,我们十分高兴习主席访问塔州,并期待着将来继续建立更深的文化和经济友谊。”

霍巴特市新当选市长Sue Hickey写道:“我非常高兴能代表霍巴特对中华人民共和国主席习近平阁下和彭丽媛夫人的来访表示热烈欢迎,这是霍巴特市的巨大荣幸,我们的社区将会热烈地欢迎习近平主席。霍巴特已经和中国许多重要城市建立了紧密的联系,我们期待在习近平主席访问期间和之后,这种关系能得到进一步的发展。”

塔斯马尼亚大学校长Peter Rathjen教授说: “塔斯马尼亚大学和中国有着长久的友谊,我们对习主席能访问我们的家乡、澳大利亚唯一的岛州,而深感荣幸;对许多中国的家长和学生能认识到塔斯马尼亚大学的巨大优势我们深感欣慰;对塔大全球校友网络中拥有众多的中国才俊而深感骄傲。”



塔斯马尼亚中华商会徐哲等董事会成员表示, “我们希望用我们年轻热情的心来迎接习近平主席的到来,坚信此次之行能够将‘因商得会,由会而聚,齐聚致强’的宗旨传播到五洲四海”。




塔斯马尼亚人民始终和中国人民保持着深厚的友谊。过去几十年,塔斯马尼亚大学的中国学生大幅增加,现有近两千中国学生在塔大学习。去年来塔州度假的中国游客有约两万名,同比增长50%,中国游客是所有国家的游客中最多的。联邦政府将投入$38,000,000来扩建霍巴特机场和跑道,最终实现直飞中国。在城市重建计划中,重修的Macquarie Point铁路区也可能会加入一条唐人街。

塔斯马尼亚州政府在过去三十年里也是中国的常客。1980年Doug Lowe 是第一个造访中国的塔州州长,与福建省成功签署历史性协议,建成姐妹省份。二十年后塔州州长Jim Bacon在双方共同缔造的友谊基础上,从时任福建省省长习近平手中接受了荣誉公民称号。前塔州州长Lara Giddings女士仍继续保持着与中国的友好关系,她曾在在三年内访问中国三次。她在发布的白皮书“亚洲世纪”中特别强调关注中国,并书面邀请习近平访问塔州。


塔州和中国有多领域多层次的合作。中国五矿集团在Rosebery投资锌矿和铅矿。国华能源集团拥有塔州三大风力电厂75%的产权。除了矿产,塔斯马尼亚还向中国出口龙虾、鲍鱼、苹果、樱桃和蜂蜜;更不用说最受中国游客欢迎的叫做Bobbie的薰衣草小熊,今年已有六万五千名游客蜂拥至Bridestowe Estate薰衣草农场购买小熊。习近平主席此行也可能带来包括乳制品、可再生能源在内的更广泛领域的投资。



习近平主席本次的来访将让塔斯马尼亚旅游业获得大量的媒体曝光和巨大的利益。在习近平主席造访塔州消息确认之前,许多商家已经接到了来自中国应接不暇的电话 塔州中国旅游和教育中心的杨胜元总经理近些年见证了中国游客的增长,他说:“习主席访问后中国游客将会成倍增加,这对塔州经济将有巨大影响。”


(陆明、朱兆华、司磊、靳兴中 编辑整理,丁长海 审校)

Roll out the Red Carpet, Let the Wine of Friendship Never Run Dry

-Warmly Welcome President Xi Jinping and Mrs Peng Liyuan to Tasmania

The visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping and First Lady Peng Liyuan to the state capital

Hobart of Tasmania has been scheduled on 18th

by history. The visit to Tasmania by the Chinese president has been on the cards since Xi

Jinping told the then-prime minister, Julia Gillard, in 2013 that the island would be a priority

for his next Australian trip. The Chinese President Xi Jinping, who will make a brief visit to

Tasmania after the G20 Leaders' Summit in Brisbane, would only be on the ground for a few

hours but the impact of such a visit would be huge for Tasmania. All sectors of Tasmania,

filled with joy and love, are all encouraged by and ready to greet the President Xi Jinping's


Warm Welcome

, November this year. It will be remembered

“We greatly value and appreciate our relationship with China, now our largest trading

partner”, Will Hodgman, the Premier of Tasmania, said, “The visit from President Xi

will present unparalleled opportunities to showcase Tasmania to the world and further

strengthen the economic and cultural ties between China and our state. I am confident

Tasmanians will embrace this once in a generation opportunity to promote everything

special about our state, especially our wonderful fresh produce, and beautiful environment.”

“It is a great honour to have the opportunity to showcase Tasmania’s unique natural

environment and economic advantages in agriculture, aquaculture, renewable energy and

innovation”, Bryan Green, State Labor Leader, said. “The Tasmanian Labor Party has had a

long and proud friendship with China and we are pleased to welcome President Xi to our

great state. We look forward to continuing to build on our cultural and economic friendship

into the future.”

“On behalf of the City of Hobart I am delighted to be able to welcome His Excellency

Xi Jingping, President of the People’s Republic of China and Madam Peng Liyuan to our

beautiful City”, Sue Hickey, the newly-elected Lord Mayor of Hobart, wrote, “It will be

a great honour for Hobart and I know that our community will warmly welcome His

Excellency. The City has been forging closer ties with key cities in China and we look forward

to progressing these relationships both during and after His Excellency’s visit.”

“The University of Tasmania has an enduring friendship with China. We are deeply

honoured that President Xi Jinping has chosen to visit our home, Australia’s only island state.

We are grateful that many Chinese parents and students recognise the great merits of our

University, and are proud that many in our global network of alumni are at home in China,”

Professor Peter Rathjen, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tasmania, said.

Chinese community is also excited about the President Xi Jinping's visit.

“From a map, Tasmania is in the bottom of the world; but it will be on the top of the

world after President Xi’s visit”, Changhai Ding, a Professor at Menzies Institute of Medical

Research in University of Tasmania, the President of Australian Chinese Association for

Biomedical Sciences Tasmania Branch, and the President of Australia Anhui Association, said,

“this will provide a supreme opportunity for Tasmania to attract more students, investors

and tourists from China”.

Daniel Chan, President of Tasmania Chinese Community Association, said, “In addition to

tourism, the trade, investment and cultural exchange between China and Tasmania will

therefore be driven. All 5000 Chinese in Tasmania are ready to warmly welcome President

Xi. ”

“His Excellency President Xi Jinping shows great foresight with the majestic entrance to

the Antarctica frontier of Tasmania”, Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Xin De Wang, Patriarch of

Chinese Han Transmission Tantrayana – Holy Tantra Gu Fan Mi Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism,

wrote, “Realization of China Dream through strategizing for a calm, collected and strong


Other Chinese community leaders, such as Prof Wong Shiu Hon (President of Chinese Art

Society, Australia), Zhe Xu (Vice President of Tasmania Chinese Business Association), Yuting

Zhu (President of Chinese Professionals Association of Tasmania), A/Prof Meixue Zhou

(President of Launceston Chinese Society) and Mao Ding (Editor, Tasmania Chinese Website)

are all excited and say that Tasmania local Chinese communities are ready to warmly

welcome President Xi.

Profound Friendship

The people of Tasmania and China have always maintained a deep friendship. The past

decade has seen significant growth in UTAS enrolments from China, around 2,000 Chinese

students are studying in the university. A record 20,000 Chinese tourists holidayed in

Tasmania last year, representing a 50% increase on the previous year, and more tourists

travelled to Tasmania from China than any other country. The federal government has

committed $38m to extend the Hobart airport runway to enable direct international

flights. And redeveloping Hobart's Macquarie Point railyards has raised the possibility of

incorporating a China Town in their important urban renewal project.

The Tasmanian government has been a significant visitor to China for three decades. Doug

Lowe, who in 1980 was the first state premier to visit, succeeded in signing a historic

agreement with Fujian province, Tasmania’s sister state. Twenty years later the then

premier, Jim Bacon, built on the friendship created by two sides, and later received an

honorary citizenship from Xi, then serving as Fujian’s governor. The former Tasmanian

premier, Lara Giddings, continued the relationship, visiting China three times in three years.

She also released a white paper on the “Asian century” with a focus on China and invited Xi

in writing to visit Tasmania.

Close Cooperation

Tasmania's interactions with China take place at many levels and in many fields. China

Minmetals invested zinc and lead mines at Rosebery. Hydro Tasmania's three wind farms are

75 per cent owned by Guohua Energy Investment. As well as minerals, Tasmania's exports

to China include rock lobster, abalone, apples, cherries and honey, not to mention the most

popular lavender bear called Bobbie by Chinese tourists. 65,000 visitors have flocked to

Bridestowe Estate lavender farm to buy the toys this year. President Xi Jinping's trip may

also bring a wider field of investment including dairy products and renewable energy.

Tasmania and China also have a wide range of educational and cultural exchange. China's

Universities and the University of Tasmania have begun to establish more frequent and

friendly relations of cooperation, jointly to carry out a wide range of research. Menzies

Institute of Medical Research has set up close collaborations with Anhui Medical University

and Southern Medical University, and currently has 25 Chinese PhD students working at

different medical research areas. Noted artist Chen Ping is influential in the art communities

of both Hobart and Beijing. Well-known soloist, Professor Junyi Ma, has made numerous

violin performances in Australia, China and USA. Earlier this year, China's Antarctic research

ship Snow Dragon (Xue Long) has docked in Hobart to resupply. Tasmanian Government

hopes the cooperation with China on Antarctic could encourage the sharing of resources

between China and Australia, and create more employment opportunities for Tasmania.

Stimulating Tourism

This visit by President Xi Jinping will bring Tasmanian tourism great media exposure and

enormous economic benefit. Even before Xi’s possible visit is confirmed and the increased

attention that might bring, some businesses are finding it challenging to answer the call of

China. Dr Simon Yang, the General Manager of Tasmania Chinese Tourism and Education

Centre, who has seen an influx of Chinese tourists in recent years, said: “After President Xi’s

visit, we will expect many more visitors here and this will be a huge benefit to Tasmanian


(Edited by Ming Lu, Alex Zhu, Lei Si and Jason Jin; proofread by Changhai Ding)



