

Preparing to go home

ceciliachiu 2012-6-6 10:28:47 显示全部楼层 阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 澳大利亚
21 November 2011 (Monday), Day 40

A new patient was admitted to the room on Saturday. She is like me, very alert about noises around.  We therefore shut the room door for the night and I had a good sleep.  

The doctor came and he was preparing a medical certificate for my discharge. The hospital system and insurance system are like mazes 迷宮. There are forms after forms. What is good about these is that by filling out all the forms, there are no out of pocket costs on our part.

The occupational assistant came and asked if I would like to join the breakfast club. This is an occupational therapy session in the morning getting the patient to work in the kitchen and re-learn the skills.  I immediately put my name down.  

They were all talking about having me discharged tomorrow (Tuesday) which was a bit of a surprise as there were still a few things not sorted out, such as showering arrangement after discharge, house fitting works, among others. As I was going to have an orthopaedic 骨科 appointment Wednesday morning, I asked if I could go home after that. Now tentatively I would go home on Wednesday.

The occupational therapist 職業治療師 came and there were new issues regarding my after discharge showering. Earlier, they said I could go back to the hospital once a week for a proper shower and shampoo. Now, the hospital was not going to provide 3 nurses to log roll me when the orthotic staff changes my lining. So, this option if out. Worse comes to worst, I would not be able to have a shower and shampoo for 2 months in the summer heat. I hoped I would not get any skin problem.                       


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