


Mao 2012-4-1 11:46:05 阅读 8772 来自: 澳大利亚

Mathhew Rosevear 45岁在Ogilvie High School的木工老师因为和10年级的女学生发生性关系被判1年半,2010年底老师和学生互相对彼此深有好感,本来想等到17岁以后才可以发生性关系,但是在女学生17岁之前就发生了关系。

A Hobart high school teacher convicted of having sex with a female student has been jailed for a year and a half.

Matthew Rosevear, 45, was a woodwork teacher at the all girls Ogilvie High School when he began a relationship with student, who was in year ten at the time.

The court heard Rosevear and the girl developed strong feelings for each other in late 2010 and discussed the age difference and the appropriateness of the relationship given he was a teacher.

They had intended to wait until she turned 17 before having sex but began a sexual relationship a few months before her 17th birthday.

Rosevear had been warned about the friendship and communicating with her on the social website Facebook by the Acting Principal.

Justice Peter Evans said on the face of it the girl was an active and willing participant.

Rosevear will be eligible for parole in September.

The Australian Teachers Board has banned the 45 year old from teaching anywhere in Australia.

Rosevear's name will be placed on Tasmania's sex offender's register for seven years.

