听力:30033S1,08147s2,30076s3, 三旧一新。 listening section4 关于学生就业的调查,调查的学生范围是business management, 调查方法是phone interviews 结论是:32%的学生想要更多的qualification, 50%的学生在public sector 工作基本满足学生预期的 salary, 有用的部分是:working in a team,problem solving 没用的部分, presentation, essay, (advice on)job
大作文report关于人们出国旅游时学习文化和传统 ,怎么学习,为什么有人学有人不学。
part 1: You get a sport event ticket but you are unable to attend and wanna give it to your friend;
part2:people think it is responsibility for government to help all the disadvantage people such as unemployed. do u agree or not
p1: 以前的学校;喜欢画画么; wedding differences;car and birthday
P2:玩具;TV program; street;你国家的著名乐队歌手音乐家;describe a happy marriage you know, you should say who they are, how did they met, and explain why you think they are happy; something make you laugh;有趣的家庭成员;a vehicle u want to buy; describe a child; what would you like to buy if you had enough money?a famous person in your city;the most difficult thing you did in your life part
p3:人们去哪儿听音乐 科技是否改变音乐 人们送孩子学什么乐器;历史对家庭成员重不重要,对社会重不重要,为什么我们要学历史,你觉得历史在未来发展怎样;Is it safe to travel by bicycle? What is the most dangerous way to travel? Why more n more cars on road? What can government do to improve road safety? is being rich a good thing? - do you think being rich is the most important thing in the world? - what do you think people will do if they have lots of money? - do you think rich ppl spend more money than others? - do you think rich ppl waste money? 青少年和小朋友比较有哪些不同,主要的原因是什么,你认为家长双方都要负起照顾孩子的责任吗,为什么母亲一定要有工作,one child policy的好坏处;你想成为名人吗?哪种人可以变得有名?出名会有什么不好的影响?;ambition重要吗?现代的中国年轻人面临的主要困难有哪些?应该怎么克服?challenge重要吗?挑战对于年轻人有什么影响? |