

On my way to rehabilitation

ceciliachiu 2012-5-7 10:53:30 阅读 6181 来自: 澳大利亚
27 October 2011 Thursday, Day 15

In the afternoon, I was transferred to a double room in the Rehabilitation Ward and my roommate was an elderly lady. She is very caring, kind and positive. She had two heart attacks in two years.  Her husband died five years ago and now she lives alone.  She has a sound mind and is very independent but I could tell she misses her husband a lot.

In the Rehabilitation Ward 康復病房, I was not allowed to wear hospital gowns any more.  Therefore, my husband needed to organise some suitable clothes for me. The physiotherapist said I should wear leggings and a loose top that could fit my brace and cast. So I would take over my husband’s wardrobe and his t-shirts would be mine.                       




我於2005年5月移居澳洲塔斯曼尼亞,居於Launceston,現為translator, English editor and copywriter 。具有NAATI翻譯員資格(NAATI NO. 60299)。 喜愛旅遊和交友 。個人網頁:www.ceciliachiu.com