

Take me around the world

ceciliachiu 2012-5-5 12:45:31 阅读 7733 来自: 澳大利亚
25 October 2011 Tuesday, Day 13

The nurse told me that I was going to Launceston today.  That was unexpectedly quick. Reluctant 不願意 to leave Grace alone, I asked the nurse to be nice to Grace and I was sure he would. I also told Grace to focus on working with the hospital staff to fix the brace 支架, and then she would join me in Launceston shortly.

The paramedics 救護員 were supposed to pick me up at 5pm. Just when I sat down for lunch, the nurse told me that they would arrive in 30 minutes. He then had a frantic 匆忙的 rush to pack my things and prepare the hospital records. He also gave me some strong painkiller to make sure I would survive the journey with minimal discomfort. I was extremely slow in doing everything. When the paramedics showed up, I asked if I could finish my lunch and whether they could wait. They said they could but not the plane which was a surprise (we all thought this would be an ambulance journey). So I had to rush – did not finish my lunch, went to the toilet with the nurse knocking on the door twice, apologising and checking if I could go. So at last I got onto the paramedic plinth 擔架, said goodbye to Grace and everybody and off we went.

At the Flying Doctor terminal, they were discussing among themselves whether I knew where I was going. “Take me around the world”, I said. That is my dream and it would be even better if this could be free.

Usually, when you meet a new health worker, he or she will ask you what has happened and that starts the chat. I told the flight paramedic that my husband travelled 3500km in just a week.  He said: “that is love”.  How sweet.

I got to the Launceston General Hospital at around 3pm.  The bed in the medical ward was not ready yet and therefore they kept me at the Accident and Emergency ward. With the hospital extension next door, this was a terrible place for patients.  There was no natural light and the environment was more like a construction site with hoarding 板 as partitions 分隔 and hammering 震耳欲聾 noises. Thanks to the lovely nurses who came from time to time to chat with me to take my mind away from the noises.

Eventually I was moved to Ward 4D and had a single room. My husband helped me settle in after work and then went home. For the first time, I tried to get out of bed myself to go to the toilet in the room which was literally 4 steps away. I used the electric control to raise the head of the bed. It was tilted 傾斜 to like 70 degree and would go no further. I tried to push myself to sit upright but failed and had to press the buzzer for help. After toilet, I walked out, first time without the aid of a walking frame or anyone. It was a fairly small room and there were furniture and fixtures within easy reach if I did not feel stable. I managed to get back and lay flat on the bed without having to bother the nurse, which was a first step to independence.



我於2005年5月移居澳洲塔斯曼尼亞,居於Launceston,現為translator, English editor and copywriter 。具有NAATI翻譯員資格(NAATI NO. 60299)。 喜愛旅遊和交友 。個人網頁:www.ceciliachiu.com