


Mao 2012-3-21 15:44:36 阅读 8032 来自: 澳大利亚


Myer has TFS back in court

THE TASMANIA Fire Service is back in court over the horror $50 million blaze that destroyed Hobart's historic Myer building and its contents in 2007.

Myer and the owner of the building and site are arguing the Tasmanian Fire Commission is liable for damages and is not protected by legislation giving the service immunity.

Interestingly, lawyers for the plaintiffs are also arguing then-Chief Officer John Gledhill is also separately liable for damages, submitting he too was unprotected by legislation.

Myer's lead lawyer Neil Young QC has told the Supreme Court in Hobart the Tasmanian Fire Commission breached its duty by failing to prepare a pre-fire plan for the Myer building, and failing to train its officers in disconnecting the electricity and operating the sprinkler systems.

Lawyers for the State say the TFS and Mr Gledhill are not liable.

The hearing is expected to finish today leaving Justice Alan Blow to determine whether the civil claim will be successful.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... calesofjustice.html


