B.J 20:47:34
Hello,Mao require me to here apologize for that issue
Skywalker 20:48:33
B.J 20:49:02
told you so,Mao require me to add your QQ
B.J 20:50:39
So basically the issue expalained by Mao,your guys already inform school and the policestation,so I'd like to really figure out how the issue gonna happen
Skywalker 20:50:57
Skywalker 20:51:15
B.J 20:52:48
OK,cheer but on the post on UTAS that you already mark youself as the agent of Elaine Yang,so basically you also invovle in this issue
Skywalker 20:55:21
agency can be terminated if the principal and agent make an agreement
Skywalker 20:56:13
B.J 20:58:55
OK,but all the words I sent to you would be the part of evidence of this issue when both party of the action confront on the court
B.J 21:00:25
by the way,have a nice vacation,sorry for the disturbing
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