16 Responses to “China overtakes US as world’s largest car market”
+5 Gary says:
April 16, 2010 at 10:39 am
Wow, great photo :)
at the moment consumers in china need to pay extra to get their new cars delivered on time
+1 JEKYL & HYDE says:
April 16, 2010 at 10:45 am
as china basically ownes the u.s.a. now,its good to see that they are interested in style,and not size,like the u.s.a.Hope that petrol prices don’t spike again…
Frenchie says:
April 16, 2010 at 4:17 pm
I was in Shanghai 5 years ago and have been told how many new cars are on the road there! Lots of european models.
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-9 Mick says:
April 16, 2010 at 4:59 pm
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God help the planet if every person in the worlds largest populated nation has an engine to start every morning. We’ve reached an era were more people are getting out of cars and onto pushbikes,but China,and India for that matter,are doing the opposite. I’m not sure if its something to be pleased about. Chinese cities were smelly stinkholes when everyone were still cycling. Now if every chinese gets into a car………
ChineseDriver says:
April 16, 2010 at 6:20 pm
And when chinese people were cycling, we ppl in western countries were starting the cars every morning.
V8 says:
April 16, 2010 at 6:47 pm
Mick have you ever been to a Chinese city?? You red neck feral. You probably have not even been outside Oz! LOL
+1 Gary says:
April 16, 2010 at 5:23 pm
Mick, the task is shared by big manufacturers and the governments, especially from the countries dominating the technology and resources.
+1 V8 says:
April 16, 2010 at 6:43 pm
Nice number plates!! Lots of nines and eights, WOW! Must Be very expensive!
-2 Mick says:
April 16, 2010 at 8:17 pm
V8,I’ve been to China and Hong Kong,plus Macau. I love their women and their food. When I say their cities are polluted,smelly stinkholes,I’m talking from experience. Having an opinion on something like this dosn’t make me a redneck. Unlike in China,here in Australia we can say what we think.
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+2 Dave says:
April 17, 2010 at 12:38 am
China is polluted because it is making affordable stuff for people living in the developed world to enjoy. You are driving a car and take it for granted. You complain loudly when Chinese people start driving cars and enjoying a new lifestyle. You are probably not a redneck. But you are clearly selfish and arrogant. According to your logic, to protect environment, people living in developing countries should stop driving cars. What makes you think you are superior to others? Don’t forget you are living in Australia, a country which promotes equality. If you want to protect environment, how about you give up driving and start walking or riding bikes? Are you willing to do that?!
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-4 Ozzie says:
April 17, 2010 at 12:53 am
It’s simple logic that some countries deserve more than others. We developed cars first and thus we are entitled to enjoy all its benefits, whenever we want, as much as we want. It’s just too bad the others (China) were just sitting on their backsides, not contributing anything to society (apart from pollution) only to attempt to reap the benefits. Well, that’s just wrong.
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-4 Ozzie says:
April 16, 2010 at 11:34 pm
Mick is certainly right. How dare people from that 3rd world hole destroy our beautiful planet (carefully nurtured by generations from great western civilizations mind you) by their reckless and uncalled for modernization. They survived all this time farming rice, and that is the only job they are supposed to be doing. We need to prevent motor vehicle sales to that country asap, if only to save the planet. Perhaps we should replace them by exporting bicycles there, if they don’t like it, then let them walk!
+2 Dave says:
April 17, 2010 at 12:23 am
Another English Redneck who is playing ego. Lol.
Keith Davis says:
April 17, 2010 at 8:47 am
In every city around the world,car use is out of control. I think Karl Benz and Henry Ford only meant for them to be used for long distances. Its now every man for himself on most roads now. In many western countries,theres 4 people in one home,and each of them have a car,and they use them to drive one block! As for China making everything I enjoy, thats because the labour is cheap,and that attracts the multinationals who want all their goods produced for next to nothing. The workers have no rights.If only China had unions. What would you like me to do about all this? Show me Australian made products and I’ll buy them.
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+1 Dave says:
April 17, 2010 at 10:27 am
If the Chinese work for nothing, then how can China become the world’s second biggest economy? How can China have the largest foreign reserve in the world? How can the average income of Chinese household increase ten folds in 5 years?
Most people here are living in a tight budget, also have to cope with rising food costs and power bills. So it is natural for consumers to buy something which is value for money. Patriotism is important, but you have to wonder how much average people will think about it when buying products.
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+1 Fred says:
April 17, 2010 at 9:42 am
As the Chinese are getting richer, they certainly have the right and capability to do what they want to do, such as driving cars. According to a previous CA report, the Chinese are buying more and more small, fuel-efficient cars, which is encouraged by the government. At least they have environment protection in mind when pursuing a better life.
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