

文波PTE-- 有文波在,听力再也不难

霍巴特文波PTE 2017-10-8 14:15:16 阅读 5343 来自: 澳大利亚
PTE 是许多小伙伴得以完成他们的移民梦,然而在你备考时发觉听力比雅思要难的多,怎么办?


depression-- 抑郁
Rates of depression are rising aroundthe world, including in Australia — but research led by Sydney’s Black DogInstitute suggests as little as(as…as的表达方式你会么?) one hour of exercise a week is a powerful shield(地道形象的英语表达,强有力的保护) against the mental health condition, nomatter your age or gender.
An analysis of data drawn from more than30,000 Norwegian adults over 13 years indicates that 12 percent ofdepression cases could be prevented with a modest dose of(适当的… 非常形象的语言表达) physical activity.
“This is the first time we have beenable to quantify the preventative potential(听力阅读中常会出现的词-prevent/preventative/prevention预防) of physical activity in terms ofreducing future levels of depression,” said the study’s lead author AssociateProfessor Samuel Harvey, from the Black Dog Institute and UNSW, in a statement.
Even better, exercise of any intensityprovided that prevention — so you don’t have to exhaust yourself(使自己非常疲惫) or slog away(slog away at yourstudies 不断努力的学习) for hours to gain the benefits.
“Most of the mental health benefits ofexercise are realized (people realize 的另一种表达方式) within the first hour undertaken eachweek,” Harvey said.
He said it’s not clear exactly whyexercise is so good for combatting (与..做斗争)depression, but speculated it’s likely because ofthe “combined impact of the various physical and social benefits of physicalactivity”.
Around 1 million Australians are thoughtto have depression. As rates increase, so does(倒装句式表同义) our amount of sedentary(久坐不运动的) time: 20 percent of us don’t do any regular physicalactivity, and 60 percent of us don’t meet the World Health Organisation’starget of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week.

