


王医生 2015-3-8 21:17:33 阅读 35177 来自: 澳大利亚
皇家霍巴特医院自2015年1月10日起不再接受新的皮肤科病人·, 已经接受治疗的病人将会持续到治疗结束为止。今后新的皮肤科病人,想在霍巴特见专科医生,只有转私立皮肤科医生一条路。

Due to a change in available resources THO-South is no longer able to continue to offer an outpatient dermatology service for new patient referrals. No new referral has been accepted from close of business Friday 10 January 2015. THO-South apologises for the inconvenience to GPs and patients. The relevant changes have been made to the Outpatient website on www.outpatientsouth.tas.gov.au Patients who are currently being seen for a course of treatment will continue to be seen until the completion of the treatment regimen. As part of this process, referrals that have been received but no appointment allocated will be medically reviewed. Where it is appropriate, referrals have been transferred to other services such as general surgery, plastic surgery or sexual health and you may be asked to provide a new referral with additional information such as biopsy results. Other referrals will be returned to you, the referring doctor or GP, for review and referral to other services such as a skin cancer clinic, a private dermatologist or a telehealth dermatologist.

