9月4日上午十点半于学校图书馆study room2进行抽签,本人未到场的由自己信赖的朋友代抽,抽签后,选手演出名单(如有变动以活动当天为主)如下:大家多多捧场哦!观众的投票也对选手来说至关重要哦,您的一票将有机会改变选手的命运哦!~~~
评委信息如下:Jennifer Yu
she is from Brisbane, Queensland.
She is currently in her second year of a Bachelor of Music at the Conservatorium, studying piano.
Martin Blackwell
- Tasmanian Music Events Industry representative
- MONA Museum Onsite Music and Events Co-Ordinator
- Organiser of the World Party Festival Hobart 2010 and 2012
- Performing of Chinese Folk Music with Jason Zhe Xu (Xiang Radio Folk Ensemble)