本帖最后由 塔州雅思 于 2013-12-4 10:58 编辑
每天一篇7分范文,7分还会远吗? 教育类 Some people think distance learning has morebenefits than schools so schools will disappear from our lives. To what extentdo you agree or disagree?
The boom of thestudent population over the past decade has prompted many educators to advocatedistance education programs. The convenience andflexibility that distance learning offers would be apparent. With widespreadInternet access and cable TV connection, once an individual signs up for adistance learning course, he/she can study almost anytime, anywhere. The usercan also adjust the pacing of a course to his/her needs, such as when tocomplete the assignments or even when to submit the answers to test questions.
Additionally, distancelearning is more cost-effective than conventional instruction as the tuitionrates are lower, the housing and meal plans are not an issue anymore and thetravel expenses are next to nothing.
On the other hand,innovative as distance-learning technology may be, I do not think it cansupersede classrooms altogether. The fundamental reason for this is, I believe,true education should not be confined to the delivery of information. It shouldinvolve the cultivation of effective learning habits, the development of groupdiscussion skills and the encouragement of collaboration as well, which Icannot find in online courses.
More importantly,campus-based education tend to foster a mentoring partnership between educatorsand learners while in reality, distance education rarely helps to establish amentoring relationship between the faculty members and the students, due to thelong physical distance.
So my conclusion isthat in spite of the inherent advantages that distance education holds in thetransmission of information, it should only be used as a supplementary tool. Itis by no means a competent substitute for traditional classrooms where teachershave first-hand experience with their students and build mentoring partnershipswith them.
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