


MATTHEWISER 2014-2-13 00:15:06 阅读 11911 来自: 中国广东深圳

移民局上面的说法是:  此处是关于偏远地区学习加分的
Study in Regional AustraliaYou can receive 5 points if you meet the Australian Study Requirement and have lived and studied in a regional and low population growth metropolitan area at the time you are invited to apply.
No part of your study undertaken, may include distance education.
To check if the postcode you lived and studied in was a regional and low population growth metropolitan area, see: Booklet 6
To claim points in your EOI for Regional Australia Study, you must:
You must have first have selected “Yes” to the Australian Study Requirement question.
You must then in the Regional Australia Study, part of your EOI, you should select “Yes” to the question, “Has the client studied for at least two years in one or more areas in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area?”
Unless you meet the requirements mentioned above and can provide evidence for these requirements, you should select “No”.


Australian study requirementYou can receive 5 points for Australian Study Requirement. This means you must have completed at the time you were invited to apply, one or more degrees, diplomas or trade qualifications for award by an Australian educational institution as a result of one or more courses. These course or courses must have been:
  • registered courses through the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Course for Overseas Students (CRICOS);
  • completed in a total of at least 16 calendar months;
  • completed as a result of a total of at least 2 academic years study;
  • where all instruction was conducted in English; and
  • completed while in Australia as the holder of a visa allowing you to study.
Any failed course subject cannot be counted towards the Australian Study Requirement. You cannnot include any study undertaken as distance education.What is two academic years of study?Two academic years of study is defined as 92 weeks of study in a course or courses registered by CRICOS. CRICOS determines a standard duration (number of weeks) for each course.It is a measure of the amount of study you have completed rather than how long it took you to complete the study. The requirement that you complete two academic years study does not mean that you need to study full-time to meet the Australia Study Requirement.You can take longer to complete course work if you choose. That is, if you take 92 weeks to complete a course registered with CRICOS for only 78 weeks, that course will only count for 78 weeks towards meeting the Australian Study Requirement.An exempted course cannot be counted towards the Australian study requirement. Credit cannot be counted on the basis of study undertaken either overseas or within Australia in a non- CRICOS registered course. Only study successfully completed can count towards the two academic years that is you cannot fail a subject with the hope of counting the same subject twice.The 92 weeks of study could contribute towards the award of one of more acceptable qualifications.  In this instance, the courses of study need not have been undertaken within a 24 month period. It is possible to have a break between completing the first course and commencing the second.

按我理解,是否将104周的MPAS,本两年的课,一年半读完(三个学期将16门课全部修完),也满足学习要求,也满足偏远地方加分要求 ?  共加10分?





Ian1217 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2014-2-13 10:41:30
MATTHEWISER 楼主 来自: 中国广东深圳


回复 · 2014-2-17 22:52:11
MATTHEWISER 楼主 来自: 中国广东深圳


回复 · 2014-4-4 00:58:05
SeanMalik 来自: 中国湖北武汉


回复 · 2014-6-10 15:29:30
aojiafred 来自: 澳大利亚



2年Full time study你是可以学习过程中 overload 课程,把2年的课程安排用1年半修完,这样是有5分加分的。

回复 · 2014-6-17 10:53:16
阿德强生 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2014-6-25 14:59:25