


Mao 2009-5-19 13:57:55 阅读 2678 来自: 澳大利亚
Hobart homes more affordable

May 19, 2009 08:14am
HOUSES in Hobart are more affordable now than at any time in the past seven years.

New figures show that housing affordability for first-home buyers across the country has improved a further 14.6 per cent in the March quarter after a surge of 40 per cent at the end of last year.

Average monthly loan repayments for first-home buyers dropped by $225 to $1831, the Housing Industry Association and Commonwealth Bank of Australia First Home Buyer Affordability Index report revealed yesterday.

The report said dwelling prices in the March quarter fell 13.6 per cent in Hobart, 8.2 per cent in Adelaide and 3.9 per cent in Sydney.

HIA chief executive Chris Lamont said that despite the current economic conditions "there has never been a better time to enter home ownership".

He said the boost to the first-home owner grant to up to $21,000 for new dwellings, when combined with builder discounts on house and land packages, had increased the number of people entering the new-home market.

HIA Tasmania executive director Stuart Clues agreed.

"The first-home owners grant, stable house prices and lowest interest rates in 60 years have created this unique opportunity, boosting the number of first-home buyers," Mr Clues said.

"And the median house price in Tasmania is the lowest in the country [between $250,000 and $300,000] with these lower property prices also encouraging first-time buyers.

"From 2003 to 2008 some people enjoyed large capital gain but many people were locked out of the market, particularly first-home buyers."

He said the first-home buyers grant might be the Federal Government's most successful stimulus measure.

"It's a highly effective way to stimulate the economy through a single house by creating and securing jobs in the residential sector, which is the state's second biggest industry," Mr Clues said.

Mr Lamont said further improvement in affordability was expected in the June quarter.

Tripling of the first-home owners grant last year to $21,000 for new dwellings led to an increase of 20 per cent in new home lending in the March quarter, with first-home buyers making up 28 per cent of the lending market.

In Tasmania, construction of new dwellings was worth $23 million, purchase of established dwellings $251 million and purchase of new dwellings $7.8 million.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... al-estate-news.html




荷包蛋 来自: 澳大利亚



回复 · 2009-5-19 14:51:52