


Mao 2010-1-29 15:17:04 阅读 3841 来自: 澳大利亚
China trade tactics

January 28, 2010 08:38am
TASMANIA needs to look for niche markets in the lucrative Chinese trade, the state's peak industry body says.

Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive officer Robert Wallace said with China cashed up with trillions of dollars, the state must not only look at exporting to the Asian tiger economy but also to attract direct investment in Tasmania.

Mr Wallace described the need to increase exports into both China and India as "critical".

His comments follow yesterday's release of Access Economics' Business Outlook which said China continues to underpin demand in mineral-rich Western Australia and Queensland, and is "keeping the home fires burning" in every Australian state but Tasmania.

Combined with Hong Kong, China has emerged as Tasmania's biggest export destination in just a year, accounting for 28 per cent of total exports.

That is more than double the state's previous No. 1 destination, Japan, which has dropped by $200 million in the same period because of the global economic crisis.

"Tasmania is more reliant on selling to Japan and Asia's other tigers than it is on selling to China itself," the Business Outlook report said.

But Mr Wallace said Tasmania would never be able to compete on the same scale or with the same commodities.

"The key for Tasmania is to leverage the unique niche markets that we have here and not to compete but to come in under the likes of Queensland and Western Australia and provide that to China," he said.

Mr Wallace said "the success will be there" if Tasmania provided China with "our expertise in renewable energies, agri-business and aquaculture", and "speciality foods, wines, integrity-labelled products and materials".

He also said the potential dollar value to Tasmania should not be limited to exports.

"Tasmania must also be looking at direct capital investment. Bring big projects here," he said.

"China has trillions to spend, they already have mining interests on the West Coast and on King Island and in the timber industry, but let's capture them with renewable energy, aquaculture, viticulture . . ."

Premier David Bartlett yesterday welcomed the report and remarked on China's emergence as a major player in the export market.

The Government provides nearly $2 million annually in export-related programs and initiatives.

The report comes alongside the Tasmanian Liberals' policy proposing the establishment of a Tasmanian Brand Commissioner.

Liberal MHA Rene Hidding said the role would specifically market Tasmanian produce to the world and protect brand integrity.

Here's to mission success

EXPORTING to China completely slipped the mind of Tasmanian wine grower Tony Scherer.

"Six months ago, if you had asked me about sending product to China I would have laughed, I had no intention at all in sending anything there," the operator of Frogmore Creek vineyard said yesterday.

But a trade mission to the Asian powerhouse in November last year turned his business on its head.

At the trade mission, Mr Scherer sold the single biggest lot of wine ever --  an entire case of his iced riesling.

And the massive potential to expand the business further interstate is now his focus.

"Honestly, it opened our eyes and showed us this was really a market we can't forget any more," Mr Scherer said.

"Tasmania has so many products that would do well there. It is not going to be big volumes, but it is a chance to get those high-end niche products into China and the Asian markets."

Mr Scherer said local producers were sceptical and of the belief it was "too hard" to break into the Chinese market.

"I thought it was just going to be too hard, that there would be too many rules and I really didn't know where to start. For me, America, Canada and Europe were easy, but they suffered so badly in the economic crisis . . . we had to look elsewhere.

"Once we looked into it, it wasn't hard and there are plenty of agencies to help."

Mr Scherer said most of the assistance had come from the Australian Trade Commission and the state's Department of Economic Development.

Over $6 million in Tasmanian wine is exported each year.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html




SILENCE 来自: 澳大利亚


Mr Wallace said "the success will be there" if Tasmania provided China with "our expertise in renewable energies, agri-business and aquaculture", and "speciality foods, wines, integrity-labelled products and materials".

但塔州这地方. 要发展执政党真的需要很大魄力...人的观念先要改变
回复 · 2010-7-9 19:52:56
abaobaomama 来自: LAN


回复 · 2010-7-11 00:50:16