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标题: HOBART市中心有人在TARGET被捅死 [打印本页]

作者: Young    时间: 2008-9-29 18:15
标题: HOBART市中心有人在TARGET被捅死
A 21-YEAR-OLD man will face court this morning charged with murder after a fatal stabbing in the Target department store in Hobart's CBD yesterday.

A Warrane man, 24, died after being stabbed just before 2pm while in the menswear department of the Elizabeth Mall store.

Horrified shoppers and staff witnessed the incident and jumped to the victim's aid while the alleged attacker fled the scene.

The victim was said to be slumped on the floor not far from the Cat and Fiddle Arcade entrance of the store.

A witness said there were a large number of blood stains on the store's tiled floor, starting near the shoe department and continuing around to the menswear department.

Police said he was stabbed twice.

Staff and onlookers rushed to the assistance of the victim, using towels from the upstairs manchester department to stem his bleeding, but although ambulance crews arrived within minutes the man died at the scene.

Uniformed police promptly sounded the fire alarm and evacuated shoppers from the store, closing all doors.

They also took the names of people leaving the store so they could be contacted later as witnesses.

Those who witnessed the stabbing were visibly shaken, as were staff who were sent home for the afternoon.

Many milled around outside -- along with dozens of onlookers keen to learn what all the fuss was about -- as police continued their investigations inside.

Up to 30 detectives -- as well as dozens of forensic and uniformed police -- gathered evidence at the scene until about 7pm.

Police scoured Hobart during the afternoon for the alleged attacker.

Two city school campuses, St Mary's and St Virgil's, were locked down shortly after the events.

Police also searched rubbish bins and flower beds in the city centre, looking for evidence including a murder weapon.

Detective-Inspector Peter Powell said last night police were still speaking to witnesses but it appeared the two men knew each other.

He said the victim was stabbed twice but died a short time later.

Det-Insp Powell urged anyone with information about the attack to come forward.

He said the incident was traumatic for witnesses -- including shoppers and staff -- but said people should not be afraid to return to the store, which is expected to reopen today.

"People might see that something has happened at a department store in the middle of the city and wonder if it's safe to go in there," Det-Insp Powell said.

"But this is not a random attack, it's not someone coming into the city and attacking random strangers.

"We are confident that it was an altercation between two people who were known to each other ... it's certainly not some crazed person on the rampage attacking people they don't know."

About 7pm detectives took a 21-year-old West Hobart man into custody.

He will appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court this morning.

作者: hongcc007    时间: 2008-9-29 18:19
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: Young    时间: 2008-9-29 18:23
作者: 宝宝的猫爪子    时间: 2008-9-29 18:25
作者: 暴走卡卡    时间: 2008-9-29 18:29
::zt60:: 苦大仇深啊
作者: yudi1020    时间: 2008-9-29 18:36
作者: ylzhao    时间: 2008-9-29 18:39
三点去的city 没觉得有什么不同哦~
作者: qinyimiaovvn    时间: 2008-9-29 18:48
zhe zhong shi qing ye hui fa sheng zai TAS...
作者: hongcc007    时间: 2008-9-29 19:18
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作者: loveguitar    时间: 2008-9-29 19:18
作者: loveguitar    时间: 2008-9-29 19:21
标题: 回复 3# Young 的帖子
作者: nimnim    时间: 2008-9-29 19:51
哦 原来今天TARGET关门食有人死了! 我和朋友还望了好几下泥 ! 还以为是拍电影!! 以为会有什么明星出来、!!!  真够吓人哦
作者: tas2005    时间: 2008-9-29 19:56
作者: TonyBB    时间: 2008-9-29 20:37
作者: business_man917    时间: 2008-9-29 20:51
Why people do that?
作者: chinak    时间: 2008-9-29 21:30
作者: 花少    时间: 2008-9-29 21:36
作者: leilei    时间: 2008-9-29 21:52
作者: wangwangkanjia    时间: 2008-9-29 22:04
作者: 郁闷王    时间: 2008-9-30 00:10
作者: Young    时间: 2008-9-30 00:13
原帖由 花少 于 2008-9-29 21:36 发表

作者: 荷包蛋    时间: 2008-9-30 04:05
作者: tcyno1987    时间: 2008-9-30 08:24
出来混  迟早要还的
作者: bulekuler    时间: 2008-9-30 09:28
tas的police总算有事情做了 每天闲的没事别老逮我们这些开车的留学生
作者: Juicy    时间: 2008-9-30 09:37
没有封路啊,我当时就在旁边的cotten on
作者: Nick    时间: 2008-10-1 03:02
原帖由 bulekuler 于 2008-9-30 09:28 发表
tas的police总算有事情做了 每天闲的没事别老逮我们这些开车的留学生

作者: 赖鹿小姬    时间: 2008-10-1 11:10
大家准备好吧。。Target 很快就大减价拉
作者: -CurrySedap-    时间: 2008-10-1 23:57
原帖由 赖鹿小姬 于 2008-10-1 11:10 发表
大家准备好吧。。Target 很快就大减价拉


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