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标题: 霍巴特国际机场在不久的将来可能飞新西兰 [打印本页]

作者: Mao    时间: 2009-9-30 21:04
标题: 霍巴特国际机场在不久的将来可能飞新西兰
Airport aspires to NZ service


September 29, 2009 08:56am

HOBART Airport is continuing to work towards the possible re-establishment of a regular service to New Zealand.

The airport has been talking with its counterparts in Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland.

In 1998 Air New Zealand ended a Hobart-Christchurch service that had operated for 17 years.

In its final years the service ran weekly from October until the end of summer.

The only international direct flights from Hobart Airport now are Australia's Antarctic flights.

But Hobart Airport CEO Brett Reiss said the airport had aspirations to international regular services in future.

Mr Reiss said if such a service eventuated it would probably be to Auckland.

"We are a capital-city airport but effectively serving a regional population," he said.

Until taking up his current position Mr Reiss was commercial services and airport planning general manager at Christchurch International Airport.

He said Christchurch had about 360,000 people and the Hobart region about 200,000.

"The two population centres aren't quite big enough to establish a daily service, certainly not," he said.

"Somewhere like Auckland with 1.5 million people allows you that critical mass you need, you get far more demand."

Mr Reiss said most talk about a New Zealand service had been with the airports.

"Auckland remains a target and we've had some reasonable discussions with the airport and some initial discussions with an airline," he said.

Hobart Airport and border agencies have discussed the potential for an overseas service starting as early as 2010.
作者: Mao    时间: 2009-9-30 21:05
因为1998之前都有飞新西兰Christchurch ,所以Hobart 机场一直是 International Airport
作者: 随便埋伏    时间: 2009-9-30 21:20
上个月还是上上个月还有新闻说要扩建 然后直飞亚洲来着 不过那个就没这个这么简洁了 是个长期工程
作者: 昏鸦    时间: 2009-9-30 21:24
10年年初能谈好? 那就太好了,一直想去玩玩。
作者: 幽灵公主    时间: 2009-9-30 22:10
作者: Douglas    时间: 2009-9-30 23:13
如果什么时候能够开通南美 南非航行。一定对HOBART经济有巨大发展
作者: b04062017    时间: 2009-9-30 23:53
作者: zcen    时间: 2009-10-7 15:07
作者: nathanxu    时间: 2009-10-10 19:52
I think it is more about passengers using the service.  The last service was discontinued due to lack of passengers.  By the way, Singapore Airline has always been using Hobart International Airport for its charter service during summer.

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