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标题: Human Swine Flu Update @ UTAS [打印本页]

作者: Rang    时间: 2009-6-11 13:44
标题: Human Swine Flu Update @ UTAS
An email confirmed that at Uni there has been a case.

For you guys are studying at the Faculty of Business, be careful.

I am writing to let you know that member of staff based in Hobart in
the Faculty of Business has a confirmed case of Human Swine Flu. He
has very mild symptoms but is nevertheless a confirmed case. It
appears he may have contracted the flu in Melbourne.

DHHS is advising that most people who contract Swine Flu have an
illness that is very mild. The advice also is that it is very easy
for people to protect themselves by taking simple hygiene actions,
such as standing back from people, washing hands thoroughly, and not
touching your face unnecessarily. There are some people that are
more at risk, including people with asthma, pregnant woman, children
under the age of two, people who are immuno-compromised, and people
with heart/lung disease.

If you experience flu-like symptoms, especially a high
temperature/fever, you should follow the guidelines on the UTAS
website at < http://www.dvc.utas.edu.au/swine_flu.html>.

The University will also be making direct contact with staff and
students that are known to have been in close contact with the staff
member in recent days so that they can be particularly alert in
terms of monitoring their own health.

The key message is to take proper precautions and follow the advice
from the Health Authorities in relation to your own health,
including calling 1800 FLU DOC (1800 358 362) if you experience flu
like symptoms.

Kind Regards

Richard Easther
作者: 二宁宁    时间: 2009-6-11 13:53
作者: VovO    时间: 2009-6-11 14:02
作者: smilefish    时间: 2009-6-11 15:35
作者: Rang    时间: 2009-6-11 17:40

作者: ylzhao    时间: 2009-6-11 18:02
gee  还好一个月没去faculty了啊  

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